We crash through a gate, hitting something else before finally stopping"NOTHING CAN HAPPEN TO ME IM WAY TO IMPORTANT!!!"
Bucky punches the floor... with his face
This is a situation but I laugh real hard before the coughing came back, stronger than the last episode a few days ago my necklace glowing dimly
Addi yells something before running out
Being me I follow, my coughing ceasing
"Addi!! Wait up!"
She stops for a second letting me catch up before running again
Through the forest we go! Members of the agency Addison!!
We reach a clearing, Addis jacket catching on a tree, ripping part of it
"You okay..?"
"Yeah... you? I saw the you know..."
"I'm fine... coughing my lungs out for a minute or two hasn't killed me yet!"
She laughs before hearing something
"Whos there?! Zed?! Hello?"
People start appearing and running around, growling, one steps on a rock and howls....
Her eyes glow amber, her necklace glowing a beautiful blue colour
"Wow... Awesome!!!"
Zed shows up, tapping Addis shoulder, she turns and punches him making me laugh
"I missed you too"
"Zoey.... we're not alone, we're surrounded by... werewolves"
The aceys freak out, typing away at their phones alerting the others in the group as well
"Yeah! They were so awesome!!!"
"Please can I have one? I'm the only Zombie in my class a werewolf friend would be great! I would feed them and walk them"
"Yeah werewolves ain't class pets Zoey and they certainly ain't friendly"
"We haven't even met them yet! You don't know that, they may have hurt people in the past but so did our kind!"
My uncle looks at me, his eyes full of fear and regret? I know he hasn't hurt anyone... so why regret?
Jack has changed a lot, he's not as rude to me and he apologised for calling me a freak, he shows the white streak in his hair now along with his necklace.
And he also has the coughing episodes, we don't really know why it happens but it might relate to the 'pack' we have to find...
"This is what dad talked about little sis... find the pack, he gave us the clue"
"You mean...?"
He nods, knowing what i was gonna say
Addisons mom gains everyone's attention
"By order of City Council, effective immediately, all anti monster laws are reinstated!"
"Y/n... come on, we have to go"
We walk out, back to Zombie town, I sit down leaning against a building
"How could they do this?!! They didn't do anything wrong!! Why is everyone being so rude?!!!!"

The Hacker {Eliza X Female!reader}
Fanfiction{Eliza x female!reader} Welcome to Seabrook high! Or well the basement anyway... A shy Zombie girl into musical theatre fell in love with the hacker Eliza but can she work up the guts to tell her? Does Eliza share these feelings? Only time will tel...