Dinners and Revelations

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After the party, Y/n and Lucas continued on planning for the final touches of the wedding. The young girl genuinely tried to give all her attention to Lucas and to the planning, but she just couldn't do it. All she can think about is Katie. If she's okay, she never really got the chance to visit her since the party. Now that Lucas is always with her, all of the planning continues as time passes.

"Do you think these giveaways are enough for our guests' babe? I mean, they can be a lot for some but does it really show how thankful we are that they came to our wedding?" Lucas rambled on, clearly too invested with what kind of giveaways you guys should give.

"Babe?" Lucas asked again, now fully aware that her attention is not at the present time.

The younger girl finally snapped out at her thoughts, giving Lucas an apologetic smile.

"We should give them something less extravagant. Our guests would prefer something simple." She finally said, giving her most honest opinion, that her attention was back at the planning.

Lucas finally agreed to her fiancé's decision after noticing for once that Y/n might be a little overwhelmed with all the last-minute planning.


Katie never left her apartment ever since she left the party. All she could think about was Y/n's confession and how the y/ec eyed girl loves her.

She filed for a vacation leave, too heartbroken at the fact that she couldn't be the person beside Y/n right now. She had thought about calling Y/n a few times already, but she was too scared to go on with the plan.

Whenever she called her, her thoughts would instantly stop her asking what if everything that Y/n had said was all really meant for Lucas and not herself. This confused her mind even more. All she wanted to do was be with Y/n, and yet she couldn't because she knows Lucas would always be there to bring both you and Y/n back from fantasy land.


Returning back to her apartment Y/n sighed as she slumped on the couch, thanking God that the wedding planning for the day was over. Lucas noticed how stressed and unresponsive she had been while planning. Because of that, he'd decided to plan a dinner date at her favorite restaurant to help her ease her mind from the planning and to give her a chance to relax.

She already knows what clothes to wear. She never bothered to try something new, as Lucas would never even bother to notice how the young girl dresses as long as she shows up at the restaurant.

Seeing that she still had a reasonable amount of time before changing her clothes, the young girl decided whether to contact her best friend.

It suddenly dawned on her that Katie might not feel the same way. Katie left the party speaks a lot of volume for her, and she didn't know what to believe yet again. Chickening out from calling the green-eyed goddess for the hundredth time, Y/n decided it's better to just watch a movie on Netflix to pass the time.


Y/n was waiting for Lucas to get her from her apartment when she received a message from him.

Just finished an emergency meeting with some of my investors. I'll be meeting you at the restaurant. I'm on my way.

Y/n sighed. Of course. Lucas would pull another last-minute decision. Taking her keys, she walked out of her apartment towards her car. At least she wouldn't need to endure an uncomfortable silence... or worse, a full-on discussion about business and meetings on the way to the restaurant with Lucas.

The drive wasn't long, but Lucas was already seated at their table when she got to the restaurant, giving out orders to their designated waiter.

"Babe, just in time. I already ordered your favorite. I hope you don't mind." Lucas said, leaving his seat to give the younger girl a kiss on the cheek.

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