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Hajime P.O.V

-One last thing, Izuru Kamakura...- the man said before I could hear a gunshot.
  Suddenly a wave of pure white pain shot through my body, starting in my stomach. I would have fallen on my knees and clutched my stomach in pain, but I couldn't. I didnt have control of my own body....
  God the pain was unbearable! My head started to pound, that predicted a pretty bad headache- still, second me decided to start running, multiplying the pain a tenthfold. I wanted to fall on the floor and cry in agony, again, I couldn't.
After a few minutes that felt like hours to me, Second me probably attacked and killed at least 12 people... I felt bad about it, very bad.

still running

still painfull

I barely registered anything until out of nowhere a very familiar voice called out:


Chiaki, I immediately realized. It woke me up completely. Shes Alive! SHES ALIVE! A - L - I - V - E!!! and hopefully healthy.. anyways my conciousness came back like a rocket. I tried to move a finger, my right hand (still holding a gun) flinched slightly- it reacted to me. I moved it! I moved it! I wanted to cheer but second me already moved my arm so the gun was pointing at chiaki, i think. Still couldn't see.

I quickly realized what he's about to do.

Noo-oo, im not letting you take another  life bitch and definitely not Chiaki's!

I fully concentrated on moving my arm and it moved almost unoticibly.

Yes, my stomach still hurt like living hell, literally, it was like it was burning inside, but i managed to move my arm so the gun was pointing at my head.

Pull the trigger now asshole, I fucking dare you!

I heard a few gasps, clearly revealing a few other persons at the scene.


I wanted to respond to that so bad.

Second me looked her way. This short moment of distraction was used by two very strong people who held my body while somone else took the gun. My body started thrashing around, giving the people restraining me a hard time. Thank you whoever you are!

Out of nowhere there was a stinging pain on the left side of my neck, like... A SYRINGE!! nothing happend at first but then I started feeling sleepy, very sleepy. Just after a few seconds I collapsed and everything went black.

Chiaki P.O.V

**2 hours earlier**

I woke up to somone poking my face in panic. My eyelids slowly but steady started to open. Some kind of light hurt my eyes so I closed them
-Wa...e u.. we n..ed h..r h..elp f..ast!- thats all I understood.
-W..e c...nt h..e....p Haj....e ..he...!
Haj-e? Hajie, no, Hajime! Their talking about Hajime!
My eyes fully shot open with realization.
Two masked doctors(?) stood above me arguing about something. I slowly rose my hand and touched the one who stood closed to what i think is a hospital bed. He immediately stoped arguing and turned around to face me
- is.. he?
  The doctors eyes widened and he started to shout commands to other doctors I didnt know were there.


Thank you very much for reading!
Have a great day/night!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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