Adult!Razor x Reader 💕 slight🍋 {What is Marriage?}

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Ok so nobody really knows Razor's age but most speculate he's around 15-16 based on looks alone , so now he's older (like over 20 older , I saw a photo of him like that but I can't find it , if I find it I'll replace the current one) so maybe we can get a bit of mild lime action ;)))))

Reader : gender neutral

Genre : fluff (+slight lemon)
(Not proof read)

Ah yes wolf guy, Razor , you best friend AND your lover, you first met when you got lost in the forest in wolvendom when you were 10 , and ever since then you guys met everyday and went on adventures together.

Sometime in this timeline , you joined the knights of Favounious , they also noticed Razor's abilities and offered him shelter and food in exchange that he joins the knights too , he said no and that he'd rather stay with his lupical.
Ofcouse your parents didn't really like you joining the knights, but they decided to accept it as long as you were happy .

Even as work got more , you never stopped visiting Razor , no matter how tired you are you always went to visit him even if it was for a minute , you enjoyed his company and he enjoyed yours , sometimes you'd cuddle until you fall asleep under the night sky and wake up the next day.

And it was one of those days where you'd cuddle up while star gazing.


"Yes Razor ?"

"What is...married.. mean? Razor heard people from Mondstat say alot " he asked looking at you with his firey eyes.

You blushed and smiled at the question

"Getting married is like...when 2 people who love each other very very much decided together a vow blessed by the gods...and usually wear rings as a sign of marriage" You tried explaining to him.

"" He said , smiling innocently

That damn smile

You chuckled "Well...kinda.... We didn't do the vows and didn't ask the gods for blessings"

"how to ask gods for blessing ? We can't see gods" he asked

"Heh...well they see us but we don't see them"

Suddenly Razor jolts up from the ground "You say Rings right ?"

"Y-yes but it's not really nessescary"

Razor starts picking some tiny flowers from the ground "Close eyes y/n"

You chuckle and close your eyes "alright"

A few minutes pass

"Alright , Open" Razor says

You open your eyes to see Razor holding a small ring made out of grass and flowers .

"C-can y/n marry Razor?" He asks sweetly

You couldn't help but smile as happy tears form in the corner of your eye

"Yes...Y/n can and will marry Razor" you reply and give him a hug

He hugs you back and licks your cheek , basically a kiss but in wolf

You chuckle and his cheek back

"I happy" he says

You smile as he holds your hand and slips the ring on the middle finger

"Incorrect finger but sure that works too" you laugh

"Uhm...G-gods Razor asks for blessings" he quietly says looking around him

You couldn't help but laugh at his his cuteness

"There's a special place to do's the church , we can go there tomorrow" you say and he nods

*Slight lemon warning ⚠️*

You tackle him down to the ground giving him a sweet kiss , he holds the back of your head and deeps the kiss , letting your tongues fight for dominance , you were able to win and you let you with a string of saliva connecting your tongues

You can feel something poking your nether region and you knew full well what is was.

You look up at Razor's flushed face to see him breathing heavily

"I....m-mate" he stutters out

Oh boy this was gonna be a long night.

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