Childe x Reader 💔{The Fall of Shneznaya}

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Gender neutral reader
Warning : kinda angst ?
Childe's real name is Ajax btw since It'll be used

N/n means nickname

Will make a part 2
(Not proof read)

Shneznaya was falling.

Everyone was dying.

And it wasn't because of the freezing temperature.

Everyone was already used to the freezing temperature, and you had crops that could grew in such a biome and meat supply , so how did Shneznaya fall ?

It was all because of the damned Fatui .

The damned tyrant that ruled over your country , The Tsarista .

The Tsarista wishing more power , stealing other Archon's genosis , the rest of Teyvat said enough is enough , so the remaining 6 nations decided it's time to put their differences aside and unite , to kill the Tsarista and put an end to this nonsense.

Mondstat , Liyue , Inazuma , Sumeru , Nataln and Fontaine united , to attack Shneznaya , but their intentions were to never hurt the people .

The Fatui , however , used their citizens as human shields.

You walked through the snow , that was now stained red from the bodies littered around.

The vision of your family , being murdered one by one repeated itself in your head.

Your clothes were torn , the snow was heavy and you were freezing , you didn't have a pyro vision...well you had a Dendro .

You continued walking , you didn't know where you were walking , maybe trying to find a cave to light a fire to warm yourself up perhaps .

You had half a piece of bread in your hand , that was the only thing that survived when the Fatui started raiding the villager's homes .

You heard a scream.

Then a body came flying past you and fell a few metres away , some blood spilt on your face , that person was definitely dead but you approached them..maybe you could heal them with your Dendro if they were still alive.

Oh Archon's no.

The person was decapitated.

You held your hand over your mouth as you felt nauseous , then looked up to see some skirmishers approaching , you ran to the opposite direction hoping they don't notice you , then you reached the edge of a cliff

What the fuck ? You're telling me someone knocked that dead person all the way up here from down ?

You heard the skirmishers approaching closer and looked behind you . Yep they noticed you .

You were pondering if you gave yourself to them would they have mercy or kill you too.

Then your barefoot slipped.

You tumbled down the cliff.

It was a long fall yet somehow you were conscious.

You finally landed to were a pool of blood was around

Ah..knights of Favounious, you were able to tell from the shield beside a dead body .

You looked up ahead to see a tall figure

Is that a human ?

You could see a hunt of ginger hair , red mask an what seemed to be one blue eye in the middle

Wait how did you see the eye ?

Oh shit he was looking right at you.

You wondered why that person didn't make a move to kill you , he just stared at you and you stared back.

"y-y/n?" The figure mutters

That voice seemed familiar but it was terribly distorted.


It's been a while since somebody addressed you by that nickname .

That only one who did that was...

"A-Aj..?" You stutter

The figure immediately transforms to a smaller , more humane form , with ginger hair and blue ocean eyes and a red mask .

"Y/n!" He ran towards you

Ajax , your best friend since highschool and was once your boyfriend..the reason you two stopped talking for a while was because he went to "Study abroad" and he promised to come propose to you after he finished college , the first few weeks after he disappeared you sent each other letters , until one day he never replied and started ghosting you .

"Holy shit...Y/n you don't seem quite well"

"No shit sherlock I'm freezing to death and just fell down a cliff what do you expect ?"

"R-right! Sharp as always"

He wrapped his jacket around your body and picked you up

"...You lied didn't you..."


"You said you were going to study abroad while in reality you were joking the Fatui , right ?"


"Fuck you, now put me down"

"No you'll die"

"I'd be better off dead"

"Y/n please , calm down and I'll explain everything when we're home"

"There is no home , Ajax"

"The Tsarista's Castle , you might think it's dangerous but it's the safest place now . Please sleep , you'll be safe when you wake up and I'll answer what I can"

"I don't..wanna..sleep..." You say as fatigue overwhelms you and you close your eyes

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