Childe x Reader 💔💕 {The fall of Shneznaya Part 2}

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(Not proof read)

You wake up in a bed , inside a fancy bedroom , it was red and decorated with gold accents .

You were wearing a long sleeved pyjama that's (a dress/ a top with pants ,your choice) your hair was combed and no longer messy , your wounds were neatly bandaged and most of all you were no longer freezing , you felt a damp towel on your head , ah you must have caught a fever or something , you try to remember what the hell happened before you passed out . ah. Ajax , then you remember you're in the Tsarista's Castle , the one person you despise more than the Fatui

You sit up in the bed as your vision adjusts to the dimmed room , lighten by candles .

"Ah I see you're awake" Ajax says as he's beside you on the bed


"Yes , did you miss me ?" He winks

You couldn't help but let tears fall down your cheek

You hated him , you despised him for lying to you , yet you still loved him after all these years.

He wipes the tears away from your eyes .

"I suppose I have a lot of explaining to do"

You nod .

" remember the 5 stages of the mandatory Fatui test..? You passed the first 2 which were the physical combat but you couldn't pass 3 and 4 which were elemental power due to your Dendro vision , and 5 which was combined of both "

"Yeah I remember"

"Unfortunately...I passed all 5 and they saw potential in me so they decided to recruit me , I know I should have said something but...I knew my little siblings would be sad since all of us know the Fatui are bad ... But it's pretty fun"

"What about the you loving me part ?"

"I still love you, that's why I saved you"

".....If you really did love me you wouldn't have destroyed Shneznaya"

"I couldn't control it"

"You could have tried"

"Y/n we take orders from the Tsarista , and we can't negotiate with her majesty"

"If she ordered you to kill me would you do it ? I'm sure she doesn't like an outlander in her castle"

"...I follow her liege's orders..."

"Then I'll see myself out before you or any of your friends kill me" You tried to stand up but Childe held you back

"You haven't recovered yet"

"I don't care"

"Fine , if you leave , If you CAN that is , tell me where you'll go"

You stay silent for a while.

You didn't know .

There was no home to return to.

Everyone you knew and loved was dead.

"Y/n please just stay here and we'll keep you safe"

"We? As if the Fatui and moreover the Tsarista will comply with that"

"As long as you don't stand in our way or leave the palace you'll be treated with utmost respect"

"Tch , right"

"Since you're my fiance'(e') nobody will dare to talk to you"


"Aw you dummy, I did promise you marriage back when we were wrong right ? And I always keep my promises"

"Motherf-" you bit your tongue

"Language my dear" He leans in to kiss your cheek

You didn't hate it , you didn't hate him , you hated the fact that he was a fatui and that he killed innocent people .

Yet something inside you still wanted to be with him

To be in his embrace

To feel his touch

His warmth.

"This isn't okay...people are dying out there...and I'm here getting pampered by you"

Childe sighed "you're too kind hearted , there's no way you would have survived in a world like this alone"

A knock came on the door

"Lord Tartaglia , I have brought the soup you ordered ,sir"

"Tartaglia?" You ask

"It's a code name , every Fatui member has it , anyways , come in"

A butler entered holding a tray, inside a bowl of soup with garlic bread in the side (great now I'm hungry)

The butler sets it on the bedside table and bows "Is there anything else you'd like my Lord?"

"Yes , Get Alex , I want (him/her) to be my Fiance(e')'s personal assistant"

"Wai-" you tried to stop him , you didn't like being treated like royalty or to be pampered by someone

"Ah of course my Lord , Congratulations" the butler nodded and went to leave

"Also, Sebastian , please inform the Tsarista about the engagement"

Sebastian nodded then left the room

"Why does that name seem familiar..."

"Ah, Sebastian Michaelis , head of all butlers in Shneznaya , one can simply say he's one hell of a butler"

You nodded remembering that fact.

"Drink your soup before it gets cold"

You stare at the soup

"It's not poisoned I promise", he takes a sip of it to prove that fact .

You frown up at him , how fucking dare he touch your food

He sighed , "Alright alright , come here , he takes a spoonful and puts it in his mouth , he grabs your chin and kisses you , slipping the soup in your mouth


"Childe. Call me childe , it's another code name"

"So I'm supposed to dote on you ?"

"Not the first one to say that ,Now drink your soup or I'll mouth feed you again"

You sighed and obediently drank your soup while childe watched you

A knock from the door

"A Message from her majesty , her liege , the almighty Tsarista !" The guard announced


Part 3 ?

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