You can rule my world.

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A/N. The only characters I own are Izzy, Kiara, Abi, Megan, Tom, Chloe Everyone else belongs to J.K Rowling. Also, I will be adding songs I think will relate to the theme of the chapter. The song is Severus to Isabelle.


Isabelle and Severus were sat reading various books. Severus was sat normally on the sofa were as Izzy was laying across it with her legs in Severus' lap. Every so often she would giggle at what she was reading which would make Severus' heart swell, he truly cared for her not just as his student but as his love. His girlfriend. He was still thinking of how angelic her voice was, she was so good. An idea sprung itself into Severus' head, in two weeks there would be a fancy ball and Dumbledore had informed the staff that there would be performers there not just the fancy music player, Severus had the idea for Isabelle to sing for everyone. He wasn't sure she would agree but he wanted to give her a chance to show off her fantastic voice. 

*Severus POV*

Okay, so the ball is in two weeks. Meaning Dumbledore would soon bring in some performer as good as he assumed they would be they were never going to be Isabelle. "Darling, I need to quickly have a word with Dumbledore okay. I will be back before you know it." I leaned over and kissed her lips, she smiled and kissed back. I smiled back at her which seemed to only make her's grow wider.

"Okay, Sev. It isn't like I can go far." She giggled which I found surprisingly adorable. Which was a rare feeling for me. "I love you." I loved her too. Truly. 

"I love you too Isabelle." She rolled her eyes at the fact I never shortened her name all her friends called her Izzy those blasted Weasley boys called her Iz but I called her Isabelle. I kissed her once more and walked to Albus' office. I whispered the password 'Sherbert Lemon' which I always cringed at. I knocked on his office and awaited arrival.

"Come in." I walked "Ah Severus, what may I do for my boy?" I took a deep breath and smiled to him for the first time it wasn't fake the thought of Isabelle up singing while everyone danced made me happy.

"Well, I have a recommendation for who should perform at the ball. Even if it is one song." I smiled at the man. I truly hoped he allowed Isabelle to perform, she means the world to me and seeing her happy would make me happy. 

"And who might that be Severus?" My smile clearly visible on my face. "Is it a certain Isabelle Wilson?" I nodded proudly. 

"I caught her singing while she was engulfed in a book and I promise you, Headmaster, her voice made my heart flutter. She is an angel. I will even give over my memories for you to hear her." He nodded a very well and moved towards the Pensieve. Okay just to pull out the strand of her singing. 

*Dumbledore's POV*

I can't believe someone makes Severus this happy. Even if it is a student of age. Severus extracted a stand of his memory and placed it in the Pensieve I leaned over it and nodded to Severus who nodded back. 

I was now in Severus chambers he was reading a book an so was Miss Wilson. She didn't even realise that she was singing out loud.

Wrapped up, so consumed by all this hurt
If you ask me, don't know where to start

Severus' face lit up at her voice, I did have to admit she sang very well. 

Anger, love, confusion
Roads that go nowhere
I know that somewhere better
'Cause you always take me there
Came to you with a broken faith
Gave me more than a hand to hold
Caught before I hit the ground
Tell me I'm safe, you've got me now 

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