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A/N. The only characters I own are Izzy, Kiara, Abi, Mega, Tom, Chloe Everyone else belongs to J.K Rowling.


It had been a week since Izzy had her accident. No one, not even her, was sure of what happened that night. Ever since then though Professor Snape kept a close eye on her as much as he could. He had a softer side to him a side that had only come out once in his life. He dared to mention a word about his past he always thought he would be heavily misunderstood but for good reason, he had done some terrible things because he was hurt and betrayed. It all stemmed from the love of his life dying and him not being able to protect her he regretted every day not being there with Lily even if she had moved on with her life. Snape's life forever became dark once he found out she was dead the darkness inside of him truly took over and he didn't expect it to leave. 

Izzy woke up in the Hufflepuff dormitories, Megan and Abi were out of their beds but Kiara laid still in hers. Izzy glanced over to see what she was doing. She was reading, but Izzy knew Kiara hated reading. "Kiara. You're reading? An actual book. Are you feeling well?" Izzy chuckled as she felt a thud smack against her, Kiara had thrown a pillow at Izzy's gorgeous face. "You bitch! Oh, it is on." Kiara squealed, Izzy chased her around the dorm's attempting to catch her. They eventually made their way out of the dorms into the halls still chasing one another.

"Now. What is? going on here?" Both Isabelle and Kiara stopped. They turned around very slowly, gulping at the same time when their eyes met with the dungeon bats. Kiara was a bit more scared then Izzy as she knew Snape's intentions weren't to harm just intimidate. Izzy took a step forward and nodded at Snape. Kiara was shocked and even more scared. Izzy turned and giggled towards Kiara leaving both her and Snape raising an eyebrow.

"What can we do for you, Professor?" Izzy said as she looked at him with a subtle but welcoming smile. Snape looked back at her with the same eyebrow raised. She shrugged looking back at Kiara. She saw on the clock behind them that breakfast was in 35 minutes and neither of them was changed. "Sorry Professor whatever it is will need to wait, I. Am. Starving. I cannot miss breakfast, you know I haven't eaten for two days now it is-" She was cut off by Kiara grasping her arm tugging her away from ranting to Snape, Isabelle told the girls a few days earlier of how she wanted nothing more than to just end her life. That's why Kiara tried to make her laugh, nobody could bare the thought of losing her. Also in the midst of the conversation that night Izzy told them she wanted nothing more than for Snape to not find out her plans. The girls also didn't know her plans as Isabelle refused to tell them but now Kiara knew her plans Izzy was dragged off to the Great hall.

"There is Abi and Meg lets go sit." Kiara tugged her and pulled her to the table and made her sit down. Isabelle didn't want to be there for more than 5 minutes, she desperately wanted to get away from the situation. She was tempted to flee, go to Myrtle's bathroom for some. Space. She finally agreed with herself to go. She stood up without putting an ounce of food against her lips, she finished off her pumpkin juice which for some reason she thought tasted bitter. She ran down the halls and up to the bathroom panting harshly. 'What the actual fuck was in that pumpkin juice!' She hurled herself forward before eventually passing out by a nearby toilet. 

"Poppy. Is something wrong with the girl?" The sound of a muffled voice could be heard Izzy couldn't distinguish whose voice it was speaking. "Poppy please tell me something. Anything please." The voice sounded weak and tired. It was deep but calming. Izzy felt safe with whoever was around.

"Severus for merlin sake the girl was poisoned, with what I can not be sure of but she isn't likely to awake anytime soon its been three days and she hasn't moved." Izzy heard his name. Severus. She then knew the calming voices were, in fact, his, he sounded like he hadn't slept in God knows how long.  Three days! Izzy's mind began overthinking. She had missed three days worth of classes already. She was so stressed. Her body felt paralysed but her mind was still going. She couldn't open her eyes or wiggle anything she was stuck. "Severus take no offence to this statement but you look dreadful you have been by the girl's bedside for the whole time. I insist on you going to rest and I will inform you of any changes." Poppy Pomfrey sounded stern the way she ordered Professor Snape to go and sleep. Izzy was kind of glad as she didn't want to be the reason her Professor wasn't sleeping. She knew Professor Snape had a softer side when it came to Izzy but she didn't know how deep it went. 

"Poppy I am fine-" He tried to reject the order Madam Pomfrey gave him. Stupid idiot just sleep. Izzy was beginning to get angry. Words weren't forming in her mouth only in her head it was like she had been strapped down and gagged by some evil psychopath. She wasn't even worried that she had been poisoned by another Witch or Wizard, but the point of the matter is she wanted to wake to desperately. 

"Now Severus I suggest you leave and sleep the girl is resting her body needs to mend and cure itself while I figure out the poison used on Miss Wilson." Izzy didn't hear anything else from Snape just the door opening then closing faintly. She felt bad that she drove him to that state she didn't even realise the extent of his care. Isabelle so badly wanted to move she tried and put the little energy that she had into moving but no luck came of it. For the rest of the hours, she laid conscious felt like days she was beginning to want to end her life more and more as the hours went on she tried harder to move even a finger but no luck came from it she gave up momentarily to sleep to gain more energy. 


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