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Izzy, Abi, Megan and Kiara all came out of their common room to head to the great hall for breakfast. They were a bit late so their appearance made the whole place silent, they all giggled and hurried to their seats. They always sat closest to the Professor's table which didn't mind Izzy since she got small glimpses of Professor Snape. Not that he cared but her seeing him there and well made her day. She didn't spend long looking at him as her friends began talking. "Okay, Izzy, Meg. You two have never had a Boyfriend I and Abi have so our mission this year is to find you, boys. Or in Izzy's sake a man." They all giggled except for Izzy who gave Kiara a glare. "I'm kidding, maybe. Anyway, is anyone here besides him your type?" Kiara set all her eyes on Izzy as well as the other girls.  

"Well, this may be a shock. But do you know the Gryffindor twins?" They all nodded in agreement. "Well, Fred. The one closest to Harry Potter. I have always thought he was attractive and he is in our year." The girls squealed. 

"OMG Fred! Okay, Izzy, that is you sorted now Megan. Who Is your type?" Kiara had the biggest smile on her face as that sentence left her mouth. 

"Well, the thing I haven't told you guys... I don't like boys. I like girls. I even have a girlfriend back at some called Chloe." All the girls congratulated her. But Izzy felt worse she was the only one without someone. And truth be told Fred was an old crush she didn't feel the same for him anymore. She was holding off the inevitable but she wanted someone like him. Like Snape. Not that she was about to them that though she was keeping it to herself. 

"Well, guys. I am full so I need to get down to potions you coming to Abi?" Abi nodded and the two walked off. Izzy and Abi were walking giggling about Fred and the Abi's boyfriend. They arrived early to the potions classroom but Snape got there before them. How odd. 

"And you two decided to be 10 minutes early why? I don't care just sit down." The rest of the students hurried in only a few minutes after so Professor Snape began the lesson. "Alright turn to page 129, do not ask any questions yet just read it and if you don't understand it then any of you dunderheads can come to my desk." I smiled to myself and read the page. Izzy read the page. Draught of living death. 

"Fuck. Iz help." Abi whispered to Izzy subtly, Izzy nodded and helped Abi only to catch the attention of the potions master.

"Ahem. When did I say this was a partner task." Snape's cold voice said as he towered behind the two girls.

"Sorry Professor I was helping Abi-" Cut off by the deep voice behind.

"Detention Wilson. If your friend needed help I did instruct to come to my desk. 10 points from Hufflepuff. See me after both of you." Snape scoffed and walked off. Izzy mouthed a sorry to Abi as she walked towards Snape. She watched the two talk. She also watched as he took a glimpse at Izzy, she quickly turned to resume her potion. She was pretty much done so she called Professor Snape over. He came slowly taking a good look at her potion. He looked as impressed as a man like Snape could. "This is adequate. You may help your friend before I make her drink yours." Izzy giggled which brought Snape to raise his eyebrow and Strutt of to his desk. 

"Okay, I think we fixed it call, Snape, over." Abi gave Izzy a puzzled look as she emphasised Snape, she soon shrugged it off. Snape made his way over again. He had a shocked look on his face when the potion had been dramatically improved. 

"Very good. Miss Dodger, I hope you learn from Miss Wilson that Potions can be made better with effort. CLASS DISMISSED. You two stay." Izzy and Abi rolled their eyes and walked towards Snape. "If I don't say it is a partner task Miss Dodger you only ask me for help understood." Abi nodded. "Very well you may go." Abi blew Izzy a kiss and walked out. "Now for you. Your giggling? Speaking back? Knowing you weren't meant to help Miss Dodger. Detention after dinner tonight. Don't make this an excuse to cut yourself okay?" Izzy nodded and made her way out. "One last thing Wilson. If you ever need a place to go when. You know. My office will be open for you to just sit down so you can distract yourself from doing anything to yourself." Izzy smiled brightly at his offer.

"Thank you, Professor, I will keep that in mind. I am truly grateful that you. Care." He gave her a puzzled look. "Sorry, you probably don't care. I will go now." He nodded and Izzy left in embarrassment running to her next class. Herbology. She absolutely hated it. Fred was in her class though they always had a laugh together in the lesson. Maybe she could like him again but she wasn't sure. She walked in and walked to stand next to Fred. 

"Hey, Isabelle. I had something to ask." Isabelle ha, Fred had never given her a nickname they weren't close enough for that. Izzy nodded her head at Fred. "Your friend, Kiara? She told something along the lines of. Isabelle Wilson, she likes you. then she asked if I would go on a date with you, is it true?" Fred smiled at her as Izzy prepared her answer.

"Well yes, it is true. But don't worry I know your feelings are not mutual so ignore her." Izzy's face went a bright shade of red.

"What if I don't want to ignore her because I felt the same for a while now." The comment made Izzy smile and blush. "So would you like to go on a date say, Saturday?" Izzy was shocked that someone like Fred liked her.

"Yes, that would be nice thanks, Freddie." Fred smiled brightly and the two listened in to the lesson. After the hour of Herbology, Izzy and Fred walked into the great hall together before parting to their house tables. Izzy kept looking back and giggling at Fred which caught the attention of a certain Potions master who she had detention with in about one hour. She didn't see his death stare as she was too busy smiling over to Fred. Little did she know her detention would be a long one.

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