First day catastrophes.

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A/N Trigger warning of Self-Harm and mention of death. 

Hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it.


Izzy was still overthinking of the embarrassment that had come after the event that happened at dinner. She was also thinking about Snape, looking at her. She wouldn't dwell on it though as she had enough dwelling to do. Her overthinking was keeping her awake. It was 4:22 am and she hadn't slept yet. She really wanted to go for a walk so she did just that. She got her robe and walked quietly out of the common room towards moaning myrtles bathroom. Along with her robes, Izzy took a small bag containing 2 or 3 blades. No one knew that Izzy was so sad, she was actually really good at masking sad emotions no one saw her cry ever. She contemplated doing it again she swore to herself she would get better to help herself but sometimes her emotions got the best of her, including this time. Without questioning, Izzy took the blade to her skin she rarely did it deeply it was just usual like a cat scratch or less. A few moments later she saw a light In the hallway and heard steps. However, she didn't dare look to see who it was. She tried to make no noise as she put her blade away, suddenly it slipped out her hand making a rattling sound on the floor whoever was out definitely heard the sounds and Izzy could hear them coming. She couldn't do anything but pretend to be asleep. She heard a deep voice talking out to her, she knew immediately who it was. Professor Snape. "Dear Merlin girl. Blood? Oh, what have you done you insolent little-" He was cut off by someone.

"Leave Professor." Izzy looked him in the eye and slid her self against the wall. His eyes widened as he crept toward her. 

"Don't tell me what to do you little brat. Now, will you care to tell me what you're doing out of bed? Izzy couldn't just tell him what she was doing, he would tell Dumbledore and then her parents. Izzy didn't know what to do except shrug her shoulders. "Why are you holding your wrist, is it hurt?" Snape looked at Izzy then at her wrist, she knew the blood had seeped through her sleeve. 

"Sir. I'm fine." He rolled his eyes and stood her up. She looked confused at his actions and he hurried away, she followed behind him as they went to the potions classroom. "Why are we here?" She rolled her eyes at kept a hold of her wrist. 

"You are going to show/tell me why you have this in your possession." Snape held up the very blade that brought him into the bathroom, she thought she put it away but she clearly didn't. She didn't have anything to say she knew as well as he that whatever she said would be false unless it was the truth. "Show me. Now." His voice was deep and concerning. She hesitantly lifted her arm off her wrist. 

"That is all I'm showing you. May I go now?" Snape rolled his eyes and grabbed Izzy and lifted her sleeve. "What the Fu-"

"Before you make a mistake by finishing that sentence let me heal you then we can talk." slowly nodded and he began muttering some spells. "Vulnera Sanentur, Vulnera Sanentur." He muttered the same thing over and over and until all her scars had cleared.

"Wow, Um. Thank you, Professor." He gave a small very subtle smirk and sat her down on a seat in front of him. 

"Miss Wilson. Why do you do such a thing to yourself?" His voice now soft and caring, Izzy stared into his dark onyx eyes. The moment felt too familiar to her like it was a replay of the past. Memories started flashing in her mind of a boy. Her first boy. Jason Kelts. He was her first ever love in the 5th year. He was a year older than Izzy. As soon as Jason finished at Hogwarts and got a job in the Ministry his thoughts and feelings of Izzy disappeared, Izzy was heartbroken almost the rest of the year. It was the starting point of her cutting, the fact that the one person she truly trusted with her life just abandoned her. Let alone she didn't know if he was dead or alive no one did. He completely cut himself off from his past and focused on his present and future. Izzy always thought he was a selfish bastard but she still loved him anyway. "Ahem. Miss? You can-"

"I don't want to leave Professor." Izzy was balling at the point shielding her face away from him. She was embarrassed of the current state in which she looked.

"And why not?" His voice went back to be ing stern and mean. Izzy didn't peep a word she simply just shook her head stood up and left to her common room. No one was awake as it was 6:42, She knew she had classes tomorrow so tried to get the less than an hours sleep she could before needing to wake. 


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