All the Small Things

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The songs included in this piece include:
Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers & Coldplay
Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera
Down by Jay Sean 
All The Small Things by blink-182

There was something about love songs that made Agatha feel off. She was never one to listen to many of them in her whole seventeen years of life, only listening when Sophie introduced her to something that was so annoyingly catchy it would live in her head forever. One of these songs was something along those lines, appealing to her love of rock and satisfied Sophie's love obsessed need. Agatha genuinely liked playing the tune and often found herself humming the chorus when she got stressed.

Hester ended up making it the last song in their line up; preceded by three songs that held a similar message and would appeal to many different generations. Tedros was baffled that she liked the song, citing the dirty innuendo in it, but she brushed him off, focusing instead on the bass rhythm as she tried to make it smoother. Reena would laugh it off and make a joke or two about their supposed bed life and then Agatha would roll her eyes and threaten to disband.

Now, she was beginning to see the issue Tedros brought up and was contemplating sitting out of this performance. After the disaster at one of the prior shows with the whole changed lyric, she had been more on edge about anything suggestive. She had also become very hesitant about being around her boyfriend in environments that were slightly public. It's not like the green room was public, but there was always the chance someone could walk by when the door was open and see her laying in his lap, reading one of her science texts.

"Stop. Biting your lip is not good for you." Tedros droned, poking her side without looking away from his history reading. Agatha grumbled, swatting at his hand before glaring at the paper in front of her eyes.

"I'll let you know that is has been proven that biting your lip can reduce stress and anxiety and could also help with memory. I have a test tomorrow that is worth 50% of my final grade and with the GCSE's coming up, there will be even more science to face." She retorted, dropping the thick study guide on her lap. "I'm going to fail." 

"Love, you aren't going to fail this test. The GCSE's are months away. Don't stress about something that you've already prepared for." Tedros moved his own study guide, giving her a pointed look. Agatha stuck out her bottom lip, pouting as she crossed her arms. She really hated when he was right. It was almost offensive in her opinion, that someone as dense as Tedros could tell someone who was twice as dense something that held fact.

It was almost like Sophie correcting her on a rhetorical essay. 

It didn't happen often, and when it did, it felt awful.

"Will you stop pouting and just accept that you've done all you can?" He asked, marking his page with a sticky note and closing the packet. He matched her pout with one of his own, mocking her in a way that he's gotten more comfortable doing. It was far too cute when he did it however because he had this one curl that would fall in front of his eyes; far to stubborn to stay in place with it's messy brethren. 

"I hate you." Agatha grumbled once more, slouching in her seat and avoiding eye contact with him. She huffed when he adopted a similar position, deciding to torture her in the way only he could. Not even Sophie was able to copy her facial expressions with alarming accuracy. 

"I know." He mocked in a similar lit to the way she talked about hating him. Agatha rolled her eyes again and grumbled, bouncing her leg as a way to get some pre-show jitters out. When Hester came to the back room with a clipboard, she let out a sigh and stood up. There was no time to be nervous when she had to preform now. She was aware of the eyes of her bandmates on her as she rushed out, heading to Millicent for her earpieces.

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