Disconnected (2/3)

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'Hey, aren't you in the same class as me?'

Verena turned to see who asked the question. She nodded slowly and threw him a smile. 'Yes, that's right, we have the same classes.'

'The boy from the back of the class,' Lacey hissed 'I told you so, you do get noticed by him.'

'Great, then I know I have the right bus.' The boy moved to stand next to her, waiting on the bus with Verena.

Verena didn't really get it, what was it that other girls liked so much about him? He wasn't exactly talkative or handsome. Well, okay, she had to admit that he did look good but nothing extraordinarily special, not as hot that the girls had to behave around him the way they did. They seemed to go crazy whenever they saw him. No brainers Verena called them when they behaved like that, like the zombies on TV that chased after the living for their brains.

'But he does smell good,' Lacey threw in against the thoughts of Verena 'and look at how perfect his hair is even though he pretends not to care for it.'

Okay she was right. He did smell great and yes, he did give a totally new dimension to the just out of bed look. Just like the way how his stubbles fit along with it, it was thought through like every well attended, hot male did.

'And that is what I have been trying to teach you for so long already, plan your look to be beautiful.' Lacey hissed. 'You're not the only one in this body so can't we just agree to all look good together?'

Verena sighed and threw her head back. She was so tired of Lacey's constant complaining, especially when it was about these things. Verena wasn't that empty to only care about her looks. Besides that she didn't look half bad, it could be way worse. But no, half bad wasn't good enough. She had to look like a supermodel for Lacey, otherwise she would never stop complaining. And probably even if she was perfect Lacey would find a way to make it better. Something like plastic surgery or so.

'Had a rough night?' The boy ran his deep blue eyes over her face as if he was scanning her for a juicy story.

'Something like it.' There wasn't a better answer than that, right. She couldn't just say that she was annoyed by the voices in her head and risk that she was the next crazy person in their class. Or tell him that she would rather be alone than waiting here with him.

'Did you go to the centre or to a party on campus?'

What was it with him and his questions? Did he really try to come off as interested or was he just wasting time while they were waiting for the bus. 'The citycentre.' she replied. Another easy answer, bars were always open and she didn't know if there had been a party at the campus last night.

'Nice,' he smiled at her when he answered 'maybe next time you can warn me beforehand and we can go together, for as long as I am here of course.'

Verena nodded, not sure what to answer.

'When my grandmother feels better then I'll go back to live at the campus, but before that we can go out together sometime. So... You won't tell anyone right?' He winked at her. 'Our little secret?'

'What am I supposed to tell?'

'That I am caring for my grandmother, I have a reputation to keep up. Well okay, I think the girls would love it and think it's sweet but the guys? Nah.' He shook his head and smirked shortly.

Lacey groaned in irritation. 'You are even dumber than a cow and that is even an insult for those animals.' She was really on fire this morning. It was like having a highschool bully stuck inside your head.

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