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Quinn and Sam were getting the kids ready for Halloween. Carson, Mason and Landon were dressed up as Alvin, Simon, and Theodore, Ryan and Cooper were Batman and Superman, Heather and McKenna were Elsa and Anna, and Easton, Hailey and Elise were Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and Tigger.
"Elise you're the cutest little pig" Quinn told her daughter as she picked her up.
"Mommy look I'm Batman!" Ryan yelled as he ran in the room.
"Wow you look great baby" she kissed Ryan's head
"WERE HERE!" She heard Santana yell. They walked downstairs where they were all standing there with the kids.
"Hey guys" Sam greeted
"There's our Piglet" Brittany exclaimed taking her from Quinn and putting her in the wagon.
"Batman!" Cooper ran to Ryan
"Red chipmunk come here" Mason told Landon who skipped over to them
"Quinn, Sam why are you wearing the same costume you wore when you were pregnant with Ryan?"  Santana asked
"We were super busy and you can never go wrong with Barbie and Ken" Quinn said
"Okay let's go kiddos" Blaine said cheerfully and they walked down the street
"Aww look at these kids! Adorable!" An old lady exclaimed "how old are they?"
"Almost five" Santana said pointing to five of the kids
"Four and three" Blaine said patting Ryan and Coopers heads
"And seven, six and five months" Sam said. She nodded and they left to the next house. At seven they went back to Sam and Quinn's house to eat pizza and watch movies. They were all having a sleepover so they also changed into their PJs.
"Okay it's eight o clock which means we have to put the babies to bed" Brittany announced picking up Easton who was half asleep. Santana and Brittany had set up two travel cribs in Elises room.
"Goodnight baby girl I hope you had a good first Halloween" Quinn kissed Elises head as she set her in the crib. They walked back downstairs and watched more movies
Did I just publish 30 chapters in a day? Yes yes I did

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