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They were four months pregnant and went to their doctors to find the genders
"I say baby you say Hudson" Rachel smiled "baby"
"Hudson" Finn laughed
"Shut up!" Santana yelled at the laughing brunettes
"Hey how is the custody of your kids gonna work" Jake asked
"Oh that's easy we're all gonna live together" Brittany smiled
"Finn and Rachel" the doctor called for them and they walked into the room.
"So who wants to make a bet?" Shane asked and all the guys smiled
"Two girls" Sam gave five bucks
"Nah a boy and a girl" Jake gave five bucks
"Nope Sam is right" Ryder gave his money
"Two boys" mike gave the money
"Jakes right" Blaine gave ten dollars for him and Kurt
"I agree with mike" Shane told them and Rachel and Finn walked out smiling
"What are they?" Mercedes asked
"Two girls!" Rachel exclaimed and Sam and Ryder split the money in the pile
"Did you guys make a bet?" Finn asked
"Yep!" Sam smiled and the doctor called Shane and Mercedes
"Okay money in boys" Ryder told them. Mike, Sam and Jake said girl and Ryder, Finn, Kurt, and Blaine said boy. They came back out
"It's a girl" Mercedes smiled and the three took money
"Sams making a lot of money" Santana commented
"I'm so smart" Sam laughed as Santana and Blaine walked out of the room
"Okay girls bet this time" Rachel told them putting in her five dollars. Quinn, Tina and Brittany said boy while Rachel, Marley, Kitty and Mercedes said girl. It was a boy, and they all laughed. Sam and Quinn were having two boys, and kitty and Santana won. Tina and mike had a girl and boy, Brittany was having two girls, Marley was having three girls, and kitty was having a boy

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