Chapter 1

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He should be here by now. He promised that last night would be the last night he came home late and drunk. Damnit Greyson
His thoughts were interrupted by 2 year old Melody crying from her nursery. "Crap" Kurapika muttered.
He made his way over to his daughters nursery to go and soothe her down. As soon as the baby felt her dad's touch she calmed down.

As Kurapika rocked Melody, he knew that Greyson was cheating on him for the fifth time this month. Kurapika knew Greyson so well that he knew exactly what he was doing just by his gut feeling. The same cannot be said by Greyson. He thinks that he knows everything about Kurapika, but he hasn't bothered to notice the little things about him. However, Kurapika did hide a lot of things, like his origins, the fact that he's a hunter, the murder of the phantom troupe and his scarlet eyes.

To Greyson, Kurapika is a dumb blonde who fell for him for his looks. Although there was a time they did have a loving relationship, it started to go downhill. Kurapika suggested marriage to stop Greyson's cheating and lying, but that didn't stop him. He suggested adopting a child, but that didn't stop him either.
"Melody," he whispered. "If Greyson did cheat on me today, I think that this is it." He finished as a single tear reached his chin.

Melody fell asleep again, so Kurapika placed her on her cradle and  he started packing up, just in case.

Just as he finished packing Melody's back he started to pack his own. He packed his old clan clothes, his hygiene products, some regular clothes, a phone charger, the laptop and its charger, and an old picture of his friends from the Hunter exam. Before putting the picture in, he stared at his friend Gon, and he remembered how much he made him smile, and the dark but loveable Killua that always made him laugh when he and Gon bickered,  and the one person he really, truly misses with all of his heart, Leorio. Kurapika regretted blocking Leorio's number, it was too tempting just calling him back, but now, he was ready to leave his husband, so he took out his phone and just unblocked Leorio's number.

His flashbacks were interrupted by the sound of Greyson's car pulling up to the garage. Kurapika sat down in the living room couch and waited for his husband to open the front door. The door finally opened revealing a semi drunk Greyson. At first he didn't notice Kurapika, but when he did his expression dropped.
"Look ho decided to show up. It's 1 am Greyson... you were out with another again weren't you?" Kurapika said crossing his arms as he stood up.

"Babe, no. It's not what it looks like. It was a really hard day at work and my coworkers and I decided to go drink. That's it." He explained himself.

Kurapika walked over and looked him in the eyes.

"Who else was there?"
"The regular, but some of the ladies decided to join us this time." He said.
Kurapika hugged his husband, and smelled perfume. He started panicking but then he remembered there were ladies there, it could be the perfume of some of them.

Kurapika wanted to inspect more of his husband to see any sign of cheating. He started playing with his collar to reveal small yet dark hickeys in his neck. He pulled out of the hug to open his shirt to reveal more love bites with lipstick marks on them.

"You fucking lier." Kurapika said bitterly as he turned around to give his back towards Greyson.

"Babe please, it was just a fuck." He said without thinking.
"...just a fuck?" Kurapika cracked. Those words made him realize that he was definitely leaving tonight. He started laughing.

"Kurapika...?" Greyson was confused. This made him sober up to make him notice that what he just said may have been the end of him and Kurapika's relationship.

Kurapika, however stopped holding back. He let go, and made his scarlet eyes appear, he was about to show his hidden side to Greyson.
He didn't look back at his husband, Kurapika just started waking, making his way to the nursery to pick up the bags he previously packed.

"I'm leaving Greyson." He stated placing the bags in the front door.
"No! You're not!" Greyson reached over to Kurapika, trying to force him to stay, but due to him being a secret hunter plus the scarlet eye effect, Kurapika acted fast. He grabbed Greyson's wrist before it could reach his face, and turned his head to reveal his eyes.

"Yes I am." An angry Kurapika said, before pushing him, make him fall to the ground. He was in so much shock that he didn't notice Kurapika pack the bags in his car and take Melody to it.

He stood up to see Kurapika with red eyes. He was scared. He was even more scared when Kurapika walked over to him and said.
"Don't try to find me or Melody ever. If you do, I'll kill you."
Greyson reacted poorly, as he made a comeback.
"Oh yeah? With what strength? And also I can put you to jail for this!" He said. Kurapika laughed as he lifted his right hand to show some chains that weren't there before.
"With this strength." He said as he punched a big hole in the wall with just the chain.
"And with this." He lifted his hunter license.
Greyson tried to say something, but failed.
"Just know... I was the one who murdered the phantom troupe." Kurapika said as he walked out of the door, closing it on his way out.

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