Chapter 2

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Kurapika made sure that everything was in the car and that Melody was nicely positioned in her car seat.

He started the car and started driving once he calmed down. He made his way to the farthest Motel he knew, which was just one hour from York New. He turned on the radio and started to think about when him and Leorio would go around town blasting music.

When he arrived at the motel, he broke down crying in the drivers seat still.
"I miss Leorio..." he said quietly to himself.
Right in queue, he received a voice mail from him. Kurapika quickly grabbed his phone to listen to it.

Hey Pika.
I noticed that my phone allowed me to call you again, so I did. I know that you won't answer... you never do... but... just know that I still care about you.. these seven years have been painful without you. And above that, I couldn't call you. There have been so many things going on... Gon and Killua started dating, they have been since they were seventeen, they're twenty-two now, and they both live with me. I still haven't found love yet... but I am now the chief of surgery... kurapika... I know that you won't respond... but please... let me know that you're still out there... we mi- I...  miss you. Please... Pika.

Kurapika started crying even more. He really missed Leorio, and Killua and Gon too. He locked over at the clock, 3:30 am. He stopped the car and took Melody out

He walked to the motel and to the front desk. After a few seconds the lady working there looked up at Kurapika and seeing him alone with a baby booked a room for 1 and she kindly offered him a baby cradle they had available. He placed the bags in the cradle and rolled it behind him with Melody in his other arm.

When he arrived at the room he set the cradle in a good spot next to the bed, took out the bags and gently layed Melody in it, wrapping her in the blanked she had. He checked the room to see any spiders... the room was cleaner than expected. It was just as clean as a regular hotel. He then flopped on the bed and immediately fell asleep. He woke up around 9:30 am and fed Melody as she was crying.

After playing a bit with his baby, Kurapika started to feel a little bit better than he did the night before. He took out his computer and started looking up apartments in York New.
"What do you say Melody? Want to live in York New?" He asked and the baby babbled. Kurapika smiled at the sound of her gibberish.

About fifteen minutes of apartment hunting later, Kurapika's phone started to ring. He picked it up and gasped.


Kurapika took a deep breath and answered.

"Kurapika?" Leorio was audibly shocked.
"I- I... wow... I didn't expect you to answer"
He giggled "I know."
"Kurapika... I- I was going to leave you another message...but now that you answered I forgot what I was going to say."
"Leorio..." Kurapika started crying. "I - I m-miss you s-so m-much."
"Oh Pika... don't cry." Leorio cooed.
Melody then started babbling and screaming goofily.
"Pika is that a baby?"
"Heh... a lot of things happened since the last time I saw you."
"Do you want to meet up so you can tell me about it?"

Kurapika was hesitant, but the feeling of seeing Leorio made him all mushy inside.

"... im living in York New, I don't Know where you are, but care to come to me?"
"I'll come to you."
"... at 5:30."
"A-alright then... Se you today."
"Bye bye Leorio. See you today."

Kurapika hung up the phone and started throwing Melody up in the air. With every throw the toddler laughed making Kurapika smile even more.

"Oh my god Melodyyyyyy~" he hugged his child.
"We're gonna see Leoriooooo~" he finished and kissed Melody's face making her laugh even more.
"What time is it? 10:00 am. We need to get ready if we want to make it on time."

Kurapika started the shower and grabbed Melody's baby seat made for showering toddlers. After about 20 min later Kurapika finished bathing the child and he took a shower himself. He got dressed, brushed his teeth and then went to dress Melody up since she was still in a towel in her seat.

Kurapika picked out a nice blue jumper and a green beanie with a flower. He quickly put some diapers on Melody and her cute outfit and they were ready to go.

Kurapika drove around town a little bit, to wait for the time to hit 2:00. He drove some more to see a nice diner with few people. He parked and went in to have lunch with Melody.

Lunch went smoothly, and they were heading out of the diner at 3:30. He made his way to a gas station to fill the whole tank up for driving all day and to prepare the hour and a half trip they're about to take. He also made his way to the little store that they had next to the gas station. He looked around the store, picking up some snacks for himself and some little cookies for Melody. They were her favorites.

With Melody in one arm and the snacks on the other he walked to the counter to pay for the things he picked out. While the lady was scanning the items Kurapika noticed a stack of discs.

"Excuse me.. what are these?"
"Oh.. those are some discs that some guy came to donate. They're up for grabs if you want one." She said "cute baby by the way.."
"Heh.. thanks." He said and smiled.

Before the lady finished scanning the items, Kurapika noticed a Beach Bunny disc, this instantly reminded him of Killua. He grabbed some discs and after skimming the others he noticed the Montgomery Ricky disc. This was Leorio's and Gon's favorite.

"Mind if I grab these two?" He asked the lady
"Yeah go ahead. Your total is 10.49$." She stated.
Kurapika grabbed 11 dollars and told her to keep the change.

Kurapika made his way to the car, made sure Melody was secure in her seat and made his way to the front seat. He started the car and then placed the Beach Bunny disc he grabbed.

He drove for a little bit before making it to the highway to Yorknew.

As cloud 9 came on it really reminded him of how Leorio made him feel when they would do everything together. It was truly like he was con cloud nine After the disc ended he slowed down to place the Ricky Montgomery disc on.

After some time, Line Without a Hook came on and flashbacks of him and Leorio singing this song at full blast made its way to Kurapika's mind. He laughed at the thought.

When lover man came on he remembered something that was truly buried in his mind. A new flashback.

"I'm mister lover man... and I miss my lover man..." Kurapika sang in the kitchen while making dinner for Leorio, Gon, Killua and himself.

"Wow Pika... you sing really pretty." Leorios voice suddenly appeared.

"...shut up."

"It's true tho.. come on sunshine keep singing."

Kurapika smiled and kept on singing.
End of flashback

Kurapika remembered with a smile in his face...

"It's 4:45 Melody... We're closer and closer." Kurapika said with a smile.

He then received a call from Leorio. He turned off the music and put his phone on speaker mode.

"Hey sunshine~" Leorio's voice sounded like honey.
"Hey Leorio~"
"Where do you want to meet?"
"How about the cafe that we went to when we last met?" Kurapika suggested.
"Ok I like that place. There is a new upstairs that is more quiet and spacious. I'll be waiting for you in the entrance. How far are you?"
"I'm actually just fifteen minutes away."
"Okay give me a call once you get to the city."
"Sure thing Leorio."
"Bye Pika."

The next fifteen minutes went by quickly. Kurapika drove past the frontier and in a red light he called Leorio.

"Hiiii! I'm just ten minutes away from the cafe."
"Ok good. I'm here already."
"Ok I'll see you in ten."
"See you in ten."

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