Chapter 5

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After the duke let Katrina go at the opera, the rest of the evening was a blur. All she could remember was Reggie saying: "Harrington invited us all to his townhouse for a dinner party."

What? The duke's home.

The same duke that claimed some sort of ownership over her. There was no way the duke would want to "possess" her of all people. Not when there are Lady Eleanors of the world. Eleanor would be a lovely possession for a duke. He could show her off on his arm, have artists paint her portrait for his study, laugh and kiss the mother of his fair haired children.

The evening of the dinner party made Katrina's mother frantic. Everything had to be perfect. She swore that Katrina would meet her future husband this evening, so hair, dress, and lack of spectacles was a must. Katrina agreed to it all, but highly doubted her mother's theory.

Since Katrina's father passed a few years back, Reggie escorted his mother and sister to the dinner. He went on about "Gabe" the entire carriage ride. Reggie felt the duke was next to perfection, but still questioned his choice in hairstyles. Katrina felt his hair, or lack there of, matched his personality to a tee. Not only was it exotic, but he knew no one would dare snub him for it. His confidence defied the ton's rules.

Once they arrived, the party was led into the parlor where all the guests assembled. Katrina surveyed the room to see who was in attendance. The first face she saw was Lady Eleanor. Eleanor was speaking to the duke and her parents. Everyone was smiling, aside from the duke.

Katrina looked away before anyone could see her reaction. She was jealous, and it burned at her heart.

She noticed Sybil speaking to one of the younger debutants, so Katrina made her way over and joined their conversation.

"I heard he plans to have a room built to torture his wife. Whips, ropes, shackles..." Sybil whispered.

"Who?!" Oh goodness, please don't be talking about the duke.

"Harrington." Great.

"Who else?!" Laughed Penelope, the other debutant in their group. "He is a dangerous sort. Lady Eleanor's father insists she marry him, but she is scared he will beat her to death!"

"Why on earth would she think that?!" Katrina whispered. Clearly the rumors were to blame, but could there be more. Had he already hurt her?

"His reputation. Plus the fact that he is never happy. One can just tell these things, Kat." Sybil interjected. Sybil sounded like her gossipy great aunt - wise to the ways of men.

"Oh. He's been nice to me," she admitted. Perhaps he needed some people to defend him from the gossips.

"Rest assured that all he wants to do is rape, torture, humiliate and control his future bride. No question." Sybil stated with Penelope's head nodding up and down in agreement.

The conversation turned to the dinner party attendees, but Katrina was still thinking of the duke. The rumors of control and ownership definitely aligned with their conversations, especially at the opera.

But why would someone want to hurt someone they felt they owned? Was it just for discipline?

The idea of being disciplined by the duke over his knee like a child made Katrina blush. If he required a bare bottom, he would be able see and touch everything women worked so hard to hide under fabric.

A gong rang out announcing dinner, and everyone lined up. Katrina was still not paying attention, and ended up getting paired with her brother's friend, Sebastian, the Earl of Stanfordshire. He had been in their box at the opera the other night and was regularly staring at Eleanor like she hung the moon and stars. He was another wastrel, but at least he was attractive.

Sebastian was a practiced flirt and spent most of dinner making sly comments and ogling Katrina's breasts when he wasn't steeling glances at the other ladies including Eleanor at the duke's side.

Once he dropped his napkin and bent under the table. On his way back up he allowed his fingers to ride up her leg, gathering the material of her dress to her knee before she slapped his hand.

Katrina tried not to look at the head of the table. But she could often feel Harrington's eyes on her. When she would look toward him, his face was stone and his eyes full of anger. Did she do something? Was he mad that she had not greeted him tonight in his own home?

After dinner, the men and women took to separate rooms to enjoy drinks. Lady Hughes immediately introduced Katrina to Lady Eleanor and her mother. Lady Hughes went on about how lovely Eleanor was and how she recalled her own season. Katrina's mother considered herself the incomparable of her time.

Eleanor was sweet. She directed the conversation to Katrina and how she had lustrous hair and a sense of fashion beyond her own. She seemed sincere and Katrina couldn't help but like her.

Then Eleanor's mother began to speak of the duke. How he would be a fine match for Eleanor - handsome, wealthy, and high ranking nobility. Eleanor seemed a little pale. Was she truly afraid of the duke? Or was she embarrassed by her mother?

Lady Hughes told the ladies that Katrina was too picky. How so many suitors were just not good enough for her high standards. The two older ladies chuckled, and Eleanor's mother mentioned that ladies should not be too picky at her age.

Katrina nodded in agreement. She politely excused herself complaining of the heat, and headed to the terrace. A dark garden at the dukes home. She wanted the duke to join her, but she also feared being ruined. However, some things are worth the risk? As her mother said, she should not be so picky. Although, she knew that meeting a man in a garden was not what she meant.

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