Chapter 15

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Katrina woke to an empty bed. She laid there for a while thinking of the last several days. She was sore and moreover, confused. Her husband was an enigma. She didn't fully understand his feelings or motivations. She hoped with time things would change, but she wasn't holding out hope.

The couple spent the day largely to themselves - both seeing to the running of the home and estate. Their brief encounters were polite and they agreed to have dinner together in the formal dining room.

The dinner hour rolled around and Katrina entered the dining room with Gabriel already seated. He seemed like royalty sitting on his throne. She could never believe his style and grace, especially considering how primal and savage he could be when they were alone.

"Good evening, Gabriel. I hope you had a lovely day," she greeted her new husband.

"Good evening to you, Katrina. How did you find the house? Have you settled in?"

The polite conversation continued as they ate their meal. Nothing scandalous was said, nor any touchy subjects broached.

As the meal finished up, the duke asked if she would like to take a turn in the garden. He must know by now that she had an affinity for gardens. Especially when they included a duke.

They walked arm in arm along the darkening paths of the garden. She could smell the impending rain, but hoped it didn't disrupt their walk. It was so peaceful and relaxing.

Alas, the weather didn't hold and the sky opened up with a loud bang. Sheets of rain poured down as they ran for the terrace doors. Her dress was plastered to her, but she laughed at how ridiculous they looked running like drowned rats in the streets of London.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I smelled the rain but I selfishly didn't say anything!" She laughed out.

Her hair hung down her back in wet tendrils. Her slippers were ruined, along with her yellow silk dress. She could see through the material and was immediately embarrassed. But Gabriel's eyes spoke nothing of embarrassment. Just hunger.

"We must get out of these soaked clothes," he growled out. "I would hate for you to get sick."

He grabbed her hand and quickly pulled her to his room in almost a run. The room didn't have the fire burning yet so it was dark and had a chill. He grabbed her dress and tore it down the back like he did the night before. It was already ruined so she didn't think twice about salvaging another garment.

"Strip," he said while he walked to the fireplace. She pulled the sodden clothing from her as he worked on the fire. He noticed her shaking from the cold and he ordered her to the bed.

Once the fire was lit, the duke removed his wet clothing and joined her in the bed. He wrapped his warm body around her holding her close. She burrowed her face into his shoulder and pulled him tight to warm up.

He then reached over her toward the nightstand and opened a draw. Slowly he pulled a red silk rope from its depths. He rubbed her arm and then placed both of them above her head. With her wrists together, he began to wrap and tie off the rope to the headboard.


"I need for you to surrender to me, kitty. I need your submission to me. Submit to my desires. You will get so much more pleasure making me happy, kitty. Submit," he told her in calm, hypnotic tones. "You will serve your master."

"Y-Yes, sir." She didn't even need to think of her response. It was automatic. Tied to the bed she couldn't escape or touch him. She was at his mercy.

He began to pinch her already hard nipples until they made her squirm. He lowered his head to her chest and sucked one into his hot mouth. He continued to suck hard and then began to bite. He alternated breasts and she sought more contact. He blew across the wet peaks sending a chill down her spine.

He got up from the bed, leaving her wanting. He lit a candle and sat it beside the bed. The light danced over her skin as he observed her breathless anticipation.

"One of the things you will learn, my pet, is that pain and pleasure often go hand in hand. Sometimes the line between them is so thin, you can't tell them apart. Just like when I bite your tits, there is a little pain but it is followed by pleasure," he explained and then looked toward the burning, pillar shaped candle. "Melted wax can hurt a bit when it comes in contact with your skin, but it begins to cool on contact. This candle doesn't burn as hot as many candles. I'm going to use your skin like a canvas for wax. You will say 'red' if it feels too intense or burns."

He leaned down and gave her a deep kiss. The duke picked up the candle and situated himself on his side so he rested on his elbow and looked upon her. He raised the candle high above Katrina's stomach and tilted it to drip a few drops on her skin. She sucked her teeth and the duke dipped his finger into the drying wax.

"Good girl. Are you ok?"

"Yes, sir. It wasn't too bad."

He moved the candle up her sternum dripping as he went. He leaned in to kiss her skin around the wax.

"Beautiful," he said almost to himself as he admired his work.

He then began to drip over her breasts avoiding her nipples at first. He gave her a passionate kiss on her mouth, and dripped the candle on her nipple at the same time. He soothed it away with his fingers.

He kept up his dripping along her torso. Kissing, licking, and touching in its path until she was begging for more. He finally put the candle down on the nightstand.

"You are begging like a little slut, my dear wife. You need your little cunny touched?"

"God yes please, sir," she begged getting almost used to his dirty words.

"It's 'yes, master.' Call me master when your head is only filled with me. I own your pleasure, my slut. Tell me."

"Y-yes, master, my pleasure is all yours. Please, master. Please touch me."

He took his index finger and ran it down the middle of her body - over the hard wax, over her mound and to her nub. She was wet with excitement. Her thighs were slick and needy. He rubbed her in circles while he encouraged her arousal with his words.

He began to enter her with his fingers as he kept rubbing. She began to cum all over his hand as he positioned his cock at her entrance. She came again as he slammed into her still tightening pussy. He grabbed her tied hands and fucked her until he came hard and loud.

The duke kissed her mouth and praised her as he untied her binding. She feel asleep almost immediately with her husband still inside her.

Hidden Places, Book 1 of Autumn Club SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now