Chapter 20

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About the time Katrina was starting to show from the pregnancy, her mother showed up at the estate like a whirling dervish. Her advice flowed from the first step out of the carriage.

It was the first time Katrina truly appreciated her mother's advice. She did have two children - she must have known what she was talking about, right?

Katrina soaked in all the information every day. She was exhausted in the evenings, much to the duke's displeasure.

"Your mother is going to take a toll on your health if you don't get more rest, kitten," he said one particularly tiring evening in bed.

Katrina loved it that he cared so much about her wellbeing despite her fit a few weeks back. Her hormones would rise and fall like the tide. In some ways that benefited the duke, but in many others - like her attitude - he took it on the chin with a little discipline to bring her back to sorts.

"I really don't know anything about babies or children. I never was around them growing up. And it's not like they discuss these things with young ladies. Our society doesn't make any sense sometimes!" She grumped, "At least mother is providing information now. I should not have to interview the entirety of England to find out how to have and raise a child, Gabriel!"

She was clearly on edge and stressed beyond measure. She watched Gabriel stroke her cheek. She was afraid he would be mad at her.

"Let's focus you on other things, shall we?" He asked and she nodded her head. Hoping that meant he would find ways to get her out of her own mind.

He got up and pulled back the bedding. He then instructed her to kneel in the middle of the bed with her knees slightly spread and her palms up in supplication.

The duke found his cravat from earlier and placed it over her eyes. It was now completely dark for Katrina. She could only see and feel. She felt vulnerable, yet excited.

Gabriel moved about the room opening draws and cabinets until she heard him step closer. "We are going to do some sensory play, pet. It is all about what you feel, and to some extent, hear. Ready?"

"Yes, m-master," she choked out. She knew this was the time to call him that. She could imagine a smirk on his handsome face.

He started with what must have been a feather and trailed it down her chest. He moved it to all of the areas of her body that tickled. He teased her until she squirmed on her heels.

Gabriel instructed her to place her forehead and palms to the bed and raise her arse. She obliged, and the feather went to her thighs, feet and spine. It went under her arms and down her sides. Then without any warning a crop landed on her backside.

He would quickly staccato a pattern on one cheek, then the other. Then down the backs of her thighs. Lastly he hit her soles with one quick slap.

Gabriel then instructed her to lay on her tummy, hands to her side. She then felt warm oil drip down her back. He must have warmed it over the candle as she was getting in position

He dripped it all over the back of her legs and arms. They set the vial down and began to massage her body. His strong hands massaged all of the sore muscles and flesh. It was like heaven.

He then had her flip over to her back, and again he added the warm oil. The room filled with the smell of lilacs from the oil. After concentrating on her arms and legs, his hands went to her swollen breasts.

Not surprising, he spent a lot of time oiling them up, squeezing, pulling...he didn't seem to get enough. He finally moved down her torso, gently touching her belly that was beginning to show.

Gabriel's last stop was her pussy. Without being told she spread wide. He was gentles at first, only rubbing the outside. Then he began to vigorously began to finger her with one, then two fingers. His other hand took an oiled finger and pushed into her asshole. She came undone almost immediately.

Katrina had never felt so relaxed in her life. The duke removed the blindfold and hovered over her to ensure she was feeling good. When he got his answer, he slowly lowered his dick to her pussy and began a gentle rhythm.

Not too much later they were both cumming, relaxed to the core.

They both slept like the dead that night. Unfortunately with their visitor they couldn't stay in bed very late. They had another full day of deciding on room colors and a nanny.

Luckily, the duchess's mother was leaving the following day. So they only had to get through one more day!

"Katrina, you simply must come to London before the baby is due!" Her mother insisted. "There are so many things the baby can only get from the shops in town. It simply would not make any sense to stay out here the entire time. It simply isn't done, dear!"

Simply explaining that to the duke would be interesting, Katrina mused. He would never allow it. Did she really need to go? What if her mother is right? She is having a duke's child. They simply must have the best, right?

Perhaps she just needed a better reason to go to London. Her brother? Friends? An event?

She decided to sleep on it. She didn't want to wait too long to discuss it with him. Katrina knew that if she didn't say something then her mother would most definitely spill the beans. Hm, perhaps that would be better. No, most assuredly not better.

Hidden Places, Book 1 of Autumn Club SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now