Chapter 9

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"But why me? I'm nothing. Nobody. It feels so random, yet so deliberate." She searched his face still reeling from the kiss.

"Many reasons. But partly because of a promise you made me long ago." Long ago?

"We have just recently met..."

"You were about 10. Perhaps younger - it's of no consequence. I came to your country estate with Reggie during our break from school. It was only an hours ride from my home, so I made a quick day trip.

Reggie was extremely mad when I arrived. Swearing and crashing around the house. Turns out your parents were away and you were hiding from him. You did not want to meet his friend and threw a tantrum. A very naughty little girl indeed." He tapped her nose like one would a child.

"I decided to help Reggie because I imagined the day being quite dull if all Reggie did was look for a little hellion. I heard a cat meow in a cabinet in the servant's quarters. Imagine my surprise when I found two cats there - one jumped out at me and gave me quite the scare. The other was a bit more stubborn.

Before I could pluck you out, you insisted that you must remain hidden. After some negotiation, you decided to stay 'hidden' by wearing a blindfold made of my cravat.

Once you were out of the cabinet and blindfolded, you stuck out your tongue and told me that if I could find you that you would be mine forever. You took off in a blind sprint and tripped over the rug. You were so frustrated that I found you so quickly. I teased you that you were now mine and that I would put you in my pocket to take you away. Oh kitten, seems you are always easy to find for me..."

"No! That wasn't you. He-you were not you." Katrina shook her head remembering the incident. A reprobate friend of Reggie found her that day. He was thin with dark hair that hung unfashionably long below his ears. He was smiling and teasing. Nothing like the duke.

"Trust me, kitten. Finders keepers," he teased.

"" Katrina couldn't fathom the idea. "But it was just a child's game! You didn't need to claim me!"

The duke ran a finger down her throat and moved closer to her ear. "Finders keepers," he repeated in a whisper.

Suddenly there was a thrashing about in the brush and Reggie appeared from nowhere. Drunk and red with anger. Pointing his finger at his friend.

"Yooooou! Take your hands off her this instant. Yoooou heathen! You have ruined her! You-you disgrace! Either you meet at dawn with a pistol or special license!" Reggie tried to make himself appear larger, but the duke towered over him in all ways.

"Reggie! What are you doing?! The duke was just walking me back. I was lost trying to find you after you left me alone all night. I-I am not compromised. Harrington is a gentleman, Reggie." Katrina tried to talk her brother down. How could he say anything when he left his unmarried sister alone at Vauxhall! She was tempted to shoot Reggie herself for his accusations.

"I'm not blind, Kat. I saw him touching and holding you. Your lips are swollen and you are looking at him like you love that devil!"

"Now, Reggie. As it so happens, I was just asking Lady Katrina to be my duchess. The only thing ruined here is my surprise." What?!

Jaws dropped and both Reggie and Katrina gulped down air.

"You were doing what, Harrington? You barely know the chit. I've only seen you dance with her once!" Katrina couldn't believe her brother called her a "chit." Could this get any worse?

"Oh don't seem surprised, my lady. You knew I had plans for you. And Reggie, calm down. It was love at first sight." Love at first sight. Oh goodness he was laying it on rather thick.

"What about Eleanor?" Reggie asked. Katrina was glad she didn't have to ask. She was still too stunned to make a complete sentence.

"Sebastian and Eleanor plan to run off to Gretna Green tonight. Though I think he may be as drunk as you, Reggie. And he may have taken his ruse a little too far with your sister."

"Sebastian did sister?! Katrina? What are you talking about, Harrington?!" Reggie looked as though everyone was keeping secrets from him, and of course he was the last to know.

"Yes. It was all planned for months. A very long story that is quite dull. Put quite simply, Sebastian and Eleanor have always been in love, but her family did not want them to wed. So while they planned their escape, we made it seem like it was a nonissue," he shrugged out a reply. Reggie seemed to accept that answer, and dismissed the fact that his friend tried to ruin his sister. Thanks, Reggie.

"So you want my sister? My sister, Kat? Wh-why on earth..."

"I'd stop there, my dear fellow. I won't tolerate you disrespecting my future bride." Well that meant Reggie would be in trouble with the duke quite a lot. Would he get spanked too? She almost wanted to ask.

"Do you want to marry him, Kat? You barely know him. He drinks, carouses,..."

"I-I haven't thought..."

"Lady Katrina. We have discussed what you would and would not be willing to do for me. I won't go into details in front of your brother, but rest assured marriage is the least of what you are willing to do."

"What do you mean, Harrington?" Reggie was clearly confused and hated the vague innuendos.

"Hush, Reggie. Katrina knows what I mean." The duke looked her way. "Don't you? And you will marry me, yes?"

Did she have a choice? Ruination or marriage to a duke. Clearly the choice was easy.

"Y-yes, your grace."

"Perfect. We are settled. I already have the special license, so I will be by your house at 9:00 tomorrow morning." The duke bowed to them. "I will leave you in the hands of your brother, my dear. Until tomorrow."

Katrina couldn't believe that the duke already had the special license. How long had this been planned? It was moving so fast she had no time to even think.

Hidden Places, Book 1 of Autumn Club SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now