'We're Done' KuroKen --> AkaKen PART 1

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Nobodys P.O.V:

Kenma was walking to school, not very sure where his bedheaded boyfriend was. They walked to school together almost every morning, so it was pretty abnormal for him to not be here. Kenma just shrugged it off and pulled out his PSP once he got to the train station and sat down, waiting for his train to arrive to take him to Nekoma High.

Kenma's P.O.V:

I opened up 'Minecraft' on my PSP, opening up one of my several private worlds. It was a survival world and I had turned an abandoned village into a my own little fort. It had took awhile since it since I had to build everything since I didn't really like letting people into my Minecraft worlds.  I was quite proud of it, and wasn't wanting Bokuto or Kuroo coming I and ruining my hard earned work. Once I got to my stop, I paused my minecraft and hopped off at my stop and unpaused, then started building once again on the way to Nekoma. After a bit of walking my phone buzzed and 'Kuroo✨💕' popped up in my notifications. I rolled my eyes and unlocked my phone, looking at the message he had sent me.

'Hey Kozumeee! Where r u? We don't have skool 2day. Don't u remember that?'

"Shit." I muttered under my breath, just remembering that. And with that, I turned on my heel and started walking back towards the train station. The bad side of this is that I would have to wait about about a hour to get back to my house. I decided to respond to Kuroo.

"Shit yea, I just remembered. I'll be back in some time, idk when"

I responded with that, and with that I returned back to my PSP and Minecraft world.
Some time passed and I was finally on the way back to my house. My phone buzzed and Kuroo had texted me back, it was probably just along the lines of 'Get back soon' or some shot so I didn't even bother looking the message.
I finally stepped off the train, the ride seemed like it was forever. I walked through neighborhoods and finally got to my home to find Kuroo waiting on his doorstep. I waved over, but didn't get his attention so I looked around to see what to throw at him. I found a small pebble and threw it, it knocking him in the leg. "Hey!" Kuroo walked over and ruffled up my hair. I ducked my head a little bit, walking up to my front door and opening it up.

"Kozume? Do you want to go visit Bokuto and Akaashi with me?" He asked, looking over my shoulder. Kuroo had a grey hoodie with black jeans on along with some black vans. "Not really." I muttered, and continued clicking away on my PSP. This wasn't the first time he had invited me, actually I almost always went with him and every time I went I always regretted going afterwards. "Oh come on! Don't be like that! We won't get drunk, I promise." Kuroo pouted, looking at me. "It's not that you get drunk, Bokuto is really fucking loud and it hurts my ears. And I don't like staying over there till 12 AM, I like sleeping in my own fucking bed." I said, still not looking up from my PSP.

Kuroo didn't know the real reason why Kenma didn't want to go, but something he wasn't comfortable with sharing that Kuroo did when he was drunk once. "I'll buy you a game for your PSP?" He said with a hopeful tone. "I promise we won't get drunk and I'll tell Bokuto to not be loud."

"Do my homework for a week also." Kenma muttered under his breath, raising a brow at Kuroo. "Deal!" He said. "Let me go changed then." I grumbled, turning off my PSP and leaving it on the couch. I knew for a fact that Kuroo wouldn't live up to his promise so I made sure to take my PSP charger with me. I changed into grey sweatpants, a 'Hunter X Hunter' t-shirt that had Killua and Gon on it and black converse that I had custom made so they had Animal Crossing characters on them.

I walked back downstairs, my PSP charger in my hand. I looked over to Kuroo that was sitting on my couch, scrolling through social media. "Let's go." I picked up my house key and grabbed my PSP, opening up the front door. "Arn't you gonna tell your mom that your leaving?" Kuroo asked, walking out before me. "I'll just text her." I said bluntly, closing the door behind us and locked it.

I walked beside Kuroo, who had his hand stuffed in his pockets. It wasn't a very far walk to the train station from my house, but I often took the long route so it was weird going the shorter route for me. In all honesty, I just really wanted to sleep or watch Netflix, not go deal with my boyfriends chaotic friends. But I had to deal with it to make him happy, and so I didn't have to do my homework.

Once we reached the train station, we sat down on a bench and waited for our train to arrive. We haven't spoken since we have left my house, since we really had no reason to speak currently. I was consumed in my game and he was consumed with his phone, so it was a comfortable silence. Once our train arrived we both stood up, hopping on. I took my seat and he took his, neither of us still speaking to eachother.

The train ride seemed to have lasted forever for some reason. It was only a hour to where Bokuto lived, even though this train ride felt like 10 hours. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Kuroo telling me that we have to get off. I just replied with a nod.

Word Count: 1003

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