'Bathtime' - KenHina

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I ran through the night streets, heading towards my boyfriends house. I often did this since I was very clingy and I wanted attention. Even though my boyfriend was most likely playing on his game or asleep on his couch due to staying up all night playing his video games, but I always enjoyed being around cause yknow, he is my boyfriend. I always got this happy feeling when I was around him that is hard to explain. I ran up his drive and onto his porch, I knocked on his door, and his mom answered. "Hinata." His mom mumbled, moving out of the way so I could come in. "Kozume is in his room." She said, walking into the kitchen. His mom hasn't always been a big fan of me due to my chaotic nature. But I just usually ignored her and nodded quickly. "Thank you ma'am!" I ran up the stairs and knocked on the door to Kenmas room and quickly ran in.

Kenma was sitting at his desk, playing on his PSP. "KENMAAAA!" I screamed, making him flinch slightly at the sudden loud noise. I ran over and hugged him, lifting him slightly off the ground. "Shōyō." He said, pausing his game quickly and hugging me back loosely. I smiled, putting him back down. "What brought you here?" Kenma asked quietly, standing up. He was the slightest bit shorter than me, making him even more cut than he was already to me.

"I wanted to see you!" I giggled, hugging him again. "Oh alright." He shrugged, hugging me back. We just stood there for acouple moments, being in each others embrace. "Well what do you wanna do then?" Kenma questioned, moving some of his hair out of his face. "Maybe we can watch a movie or something?" I said, shrugging. "Alright. But I have to take a shower first." Kenma blinked, crossing his arms. "Oh, maybe we can take a bath together!" I asked, blushing at the thought of seeing my boyfriend naked. "Uh-" He paused, blushing. "Sure. Just no sex if that's what you are trying to get at sir." Kenma said, leaning against me.

"Of course not!" I said, starting to drag him to the bathroom. The faux blonde started the bath water and added what looked like to many bubbles but I didn't really complain. I got undressed while he was looking away and got in, already messing with the bubbles a little bit. Kenma got in shortly after me, placing bubbles under my nose to make a bubble mustache. We both giggled, and blushed a little bit.

Kenmas POV
I looked at the living tangerine across from me, bubbles all over his face. He did looked very cute in my opinion. Hinata was always quite clingy with me and I didn't really ever complain, it did get a bit annoying sometimes but I just dealt with it since I didn't want to mess up everything. Shōyō is my first boyfriend, as I wasn't really a people person. I was honestly surprised when he asked me out cause I didn't think anyone liking me like that was really even possible. I tilted my head before wetting my hair since I hadn't showered in acouple days.

"Hinataaaaaaaaaa- can I shampoo your hair?" I  asked, reaching up to his orange hair. "Nooo-" Hinata said, "Well to bad." I splashed his hair with water and grabbed some shampoo and scrubbed it through his hair. "KENMAAAA!" Hinata whined, "Shush." I said, washing it out of his hair. When I pulled back I burst out into laughter, after seeing my boyfriends hair all flat. "This is the reason why I didn't want you to-" Hinata mumbled. He shook his head, and crossed his arms, faking a pout.

"You are so dramatic. Do you want to shampoo my hair?" I said. The signature Hinata smile came back and quickly reached for the shampoo bottle, squeezing way more than I personally preferred out onto his hand. I rolled my eyes as he scrubbed it through my hair gently. I never really liked my hair getting messed with. Kuroo and Lev has always occasionally braided my hair which always and will always annoy beyond end. They always said that it looked 'good' but I personally thought it just looked goofy. Hinata washed the shampoo out of my hair, smiling brightly. My hair really didn't look much different once it was wet honestly.

Hinatas POV
I washed the shampoo out of his hair, once I was finished Kenma started to drain the water. I closed my eyes once he had gotten out, then he told me that he could look once he had a towel around his waist. Kenma walked out to his room and closed the door behind him. Once he was gone I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist and started drying off my hair with another one.

Kenma knocked and walked in, him handing me some clothes. We were practically the same size so it really didn't matter. Once he was gone I slipped on the cloths and smiled cause they smelled like Kenma. He had given me black sweatpants and a t-shirt that had a character from Death Note.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Kenma laying on his bed in grey sweatpants and a Hunter X Hunter t-shirt that had Hisoka and Illumi on it. He was playing Mario Cart on his Nintendo switch, "Hinataaaaaa, do you still wanna watch a movie?" He played his switch in the charger and looked at me. "Sure!" I jumped over and tackled him, bringing Kenma into a tight embrace. He smiled and opened up his MacBook and put on 'The Nightmare before Christmas.' Not long after the movie had started the faux blonde had fallen asleep in my arms which made me smile.

"Goodnight Kozume."

Requested by: @kittynanita

Word Count: 989

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