'Scary Movies' - Ushiten

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Nobody's POV
Tendou had and always been terrified of horror movies. He would end up hiding under a blanket or covering his eyes if he had to watch one.

Tendou's POV
I sat next to my boyfriend, Ushijima, hugging him arm tightly. We were watching a scary movie that Semi had recommended, since it was almost Halloween time. And of course, I was absolutely terrified. Why? Now that was the question. It wasn't even that scary, but just the thought of a clown coming out of a sewer sounded extremely scary and creepy. The actual movie never freaked me out personally, but the thoughts in my head while I watched them is what fueled me being scared.

Ushijima had said we could turn it off, but I insisted on keeping it on. Of course he had attempted to comfort me but it really didn't work so I just pretty much just took cover behind him. I don't think I've seen my boyfriend flinch or even showed one ounce of emotion of being scared this whole movie. Which was slightly creepy I had to admit, but he never really showed any emotion so it wasn't that very surprising to me.

"American movies are pretty dumb." I said, rolling my eyes. "Yea." Ushijima said, blinking at me.

A part that came up made me nearly jump out of my spot and tumble off the bed. Ushijima flickered his gaze at me then rolled his eyes, "That was quite dramatic." He said plainly, holding a hand out to pull me back over to him. "Mmm.. I suppose so. It's not my fault that this is so scary though!" I exclaimed. Ushijima just rolled his eyes "It's really not that scary." then he wrapped his strong arms around me, most likely so I couldn't nearly fall of the bed again and onto the floor.

Ushijima's POV
I continued watching the movie, not even slightly effected by the scenes that Tendou jumped at. Semi has horrid taste in movies I see. I held Satori in my arms, since I didn't really or need him to fall to the ground. I don't get why he thinks this movie is scary, cause it really isn't. The movie was starting to reach the end, which I think Tendou was very relieved about. He did tell me that he didn't like horror movies, but Semi insisted on us watching this stupid movie. All it was about was a clown torturing a group of kids, there's no spice.

I sighed, patting Tendou on the head and ruffling his red hair for a moment. This resulted in him ducking his head a little bit, and Satori trying to get me to stop. Then a jumpscare appeared on the screen and Tendou seemed to be holding onto me for dear life in less in 5 seconds. It made me smile the tiniest bit. I patted his head, reassuring him that it was fake. Finally the movie ended and Tendou was still clinging onto my side. "The movie is over." I said, "Okayyyyy." He undid his grip and flopped next to me.

"That was mighty scary!" Satori exclaimed. "Not really. All it was about a clown torturing a group of kids." I said, shrugging a bit. I kissed his red hair and laid my head back and sighed, feeling Satori lay his head onto my chest. I clicked off the TV, covering us in a blanket. "Semi needs to get a better taste in movies." I said, rolling my eyes. "He needs to get a less scary taste in movies." Satori remarked, sarcasm lacing his voice a little bit. "That also." I shrugged, looking down at my boyfriend that would laying on top of me in my hoodie. It was way to big for him, but he looked cute and sexy in it.

"We can tell him that tomorrow." Tendou said, "Okay." I simply spoke, shifting a little bit to make us more both comfortable. The red-head started dozing off in the my arm, which had always been a rare appearance. This made my heart melt and fall in love with the boy even more.

Word count: 750

Sorry this wasn't the best- but it's better then nothing! I have some one-shots written so I'll publish those soon.

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