'We're Done.' Kuroken --> AkaKen Part 2

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Kozume's POV

Me and the spiky-haired boy seemed to walk for what seemed like forever. We had taken this path many times before, so it was almost implanted in my brain the way to Bokuto's home. For some reason, I had this gut feeling that something bad was gonna happen honestly. I genuinely didn't know why I had this gut feeling, but it was eating at me. Soon enough we finally arrived at Bokuto's home, which I was relieved by cause the walk seemed like forever. Kuroo ran up to the front door and just barged in like he always did, so none of us was surprised honestly. I was still standing at the beginning of the drive when Kuroo was already inside. 

Akaashi was standing in the front doorway, waiting for me to come inside. Me and Keiji had always been pretty close honestly, since our boyfriends were drunk most of the time when me and him were hanging out. We usually just vibed in their guest room while me and Akaashi played on their xbox or on my switch. Pretty normal for me and him I guess. I walked up to the porch and Akaashi moved out of the doorway for me to come inside. Kuroo and Bokuto were already laughing their asses off in the kitchen, which was just a tad too loud for me so I just headed for the living room where it would be a little bit quieter so I could play on my PSP in peace. Akaashi had followed behind me and waving, then heading off towards the kitchen with the other two. The intro music to Animal Crossing played quietly as it powered on. Faint laughing could be heard from the kitchen as I crossed my legs into a criss-cross. 

My dyed blonde hair kept on getting in my face so I decided to set down my game for a moment and pin it back behind my ear so it wouldn't get in my way anymore. Stupid hair. I huffed and continued playing my game, then I could hear faint footsteps coming from the kitchen and into the living room. Then a dark-haired male known as Akaashi came into view so I flickered my gaze up to him as a welcome of some sort. "Kuroo-san and Bokuto-san want to ask you something," He said, crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame. "Tell them to just come here, I really don't feel like getting up currently." I rolled my eyes, pausing my game. "Plus, it's just gonna be some bullshit question like what is my favorite color or something." I added on, which got a small chuckle out of Keiji. "You aren't wrong there Kenma, but they seem to really want you so just this once." He said in a extremely monotone voice which honestly creeped me out a little bit. "Whatever." I huffed and stood up, walking towards Akaashi. I stared at him for a moment before walking away which then I just heard him following behind me. Once I arrived at the kitchen, there was noone there. "What the-" There was a loud "BOO!" Behind me which made me jump, and nearly fall to the ground. 

Then I heard loud, obnoxious laughter coming from behind me. Which belonged to Kuroo and Bokuto, and Akaashi just holding onto my arm so when I jumped I didn't fall to the ground. Keiji shook his head in disapproval and gave a death glare to Bokuto and Kuroo which made them to seem shut up immediately. This honestly really wasn't funny in my opinion, more annoying to me. I sighed as Akaashi released his hand from my arm, and just walked away into the kitchen and into the guest bedroom. 

Kuroo and Bokuto started laughing louder than ever once I had left the room. 

Akaashi's POV

I mumbled some incoherent words as I watched Kozume leave the kitchen. I was pissed with my boyfriend and his best friend. Kenma looked frightened out of his mind even though it was a simple scare, but Kenma is way more sensitive to loud noises then the rest of us so that probably explained it. "Did you guys really have to scare Kozume like that? It really wasn't funny. The poor kitten looked scared out of his actual mind." I said with a stern tone to the both, scolding them like 7 year olds that just disobeyed their mother. "Oh he will be fine! It's no like we threatened him with a knife or anything! One small little jumpscare won't kill him." Kuroo said, his voice slurred due to him being tipsy. "You should know of all people that he is sensitive to loud noises Kuroo-san. Your his fucking boyfriend." I spat out, crossing my arms and looking at the olders. Sometimes hanging out with them both at the same time seemed like taking care of little children that don't know self control. 

Bokuto was still cackling in the corner, attempting to catch his breath. That wall over there really seems like to bash my head into currently honestly. They can't even rub two brain cells together to not do that to the poor second year. "FJDOGVJSORFJGSOGARS KUROO THAT WAS SO FUNNY!" Bokuto yelled, quickly getting to his feet and reenacting the movements Kenma had done except this time falling to the floor cause I didn't feel like saving the owl like 3rd year. "AKAASHI YOU MESSED IT UP! YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO CATCH ME LIKE YOU DID WITH KENMA!" Bokuto exclaimed sitting on ground with a wheezing Kuroo next to him. "One: Kenma is way lighter than you and I would have fallen with you if I had attempted to catch you. Two: I'm kinda irritated with you both currently for scaring Kozume like that." I said while crossing my arms. I darted my dark blue gaze to them both to find any signs of being sorry but saw none. 

"You guys need to go apologize to him." 

Word Count: 1003

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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