'Cafè' - Kiyoyachi

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Nobody's POV
Yachi was standing in the volleyball gym, trying to not blush at the very pretty manager next to her known as 'Kikoyo.' She had always made Yachi nervous, and when she meant that, she meant that she had a giant crush on the older manager .
Yachi's POV
I looked over at the older manager that was observing the Karasuno's volleyball team practice. I don't know when I started developing a crush on Kikoyo, but even the thought of the dark haired manager made her blush. I was brought out of my thoughts by Hinata tapping on my shoulder, asking me to throw them some balls for their freak quick attack. "Of course Shōyō!" I agreed, jogging over to Kageyama and Hinata. I rolled over the volleyballs and started throwing them up in the air for Kageyama to set so Hinata could spike them.
Kikoyo's POV
I watched the the blonde jog off with the walking tangerine. I pushed up my glasses, turning to go speak with Ukai and Takeda, after I over heard them talking about a upcoming practice game against Nekoma. I spoke with them for about 30 minutes, them looking up at the clock. It was almost time to close up the gym and head out.

I called over to the volleyball team and told them that they needed to start cleaning up. They all nodded and started cleaning up the volleyballs that were scattered all around the volleyball gym. I turned to the clipboard that I had in my hand, that had all the Karasuno future practice games on it.
Yachis POV
I heard Kikoyo call out and I nodded, and starting assisting Hinata with picking up volleyballs. Tanaka and Nishinoya were having a race to see who could pick up the most volleyballs which made me giggle slightly. Today it was Nishinoya's and Asahi's turn to stay and clean up the most, so we could all go home early.

I met Kikoyo at the exit door, waving slightly at her since we usually walked home together since we lived relatively close to each other. "Let's go Yachi." Kikoyo said, opening up the door and stepping out, holding the door open for me. "Do you wanna go to this new cafè that I saw when I was walking to school one morning with me?" Kikoyo asked. "Sure!" I answered, smiling brightly. Kikoyo smiled, and started walking towards the small cafè that wasn't far from where me and Kikoyo were.

We walked for a little bit, before finally reaching what looked like a local bakery. "I've never been here, nor knew this even existed!" I exclaimed, hearing a giggle come from Kikoyo. "I only found this recently, so.." I opened the door before she could respond, but I held it open for her.

Nobody's POV
The duo walked up to the counter, ordering what they wanted. Yachi had gotten a chocolate chip cookie and Kikoyo had gotten a pumpkin muffin.

Yachis POV
I hadn't had any money so Kikoyo had to pay for both of our which I felt horrible about. "You didn't have to pay for me." I said to Kikoyo as we took our things and decided to go and take a seat at a table in the corner. "Don't worry about it Yachi, it was nothing." She reassured me and I just nodded, taking a bite of my cookie.

We both sat in a comfortable silence, eating our treats. "So- Karasuno has 2 practice games coming up. One against Nekoma and one against Shiratorizawa." Kikoyo said, tilting her head slightly at me. "Since when have we gotten to get a practice match against Shiratorizawa?" I was genuinely surprised, hearing they only practice against college teams. "Takenda had his ways, probably called them none stop until they agreed to atleast have one." She giggled, and I did also, Takenda was always very persistent and it could be quite funny sometimes.

"I've always been a bit scared around that red head on their team- was it Tendō?" I said, finishing my cookie. "Yea. Satori Tendō, but I'd just ignore him. Ushiwaka and him are
rumored to be dating." I tilted my head, as I could see them dating honestly.

"Do you want to go to the local park?" I asked Kikoyo, hoping she will say yes. "Sure, why not?" It was only around 7 so it wasn't to late yet.

Kikoyos POV
I stood up, waiting for Yachi to also. Then she stood up and headed for the exit, me following behind her. She opened the door and held it open for me which I then thanked her, and started walking towards the park that was just across the street. It was a quite a nice park and it sometimes had cats walking through it so you could often see a Kenma there.

Me and her sat down on a bench, and just started talking about random stuff, Volleyball, Cafè's, Animals and some other stuff. I was honestly enjoying myself. Did I have a growing crush on Yachi? Yes. "So, Yachi. Do you like anyone?" I asked, tilting my head. "Uh- kind of? I don't know, I'm kinda confused about it currently." Yachi said. "Who is it? Hinata?" I joked with her. "No. It's uh- you." Yachi had said the 'You' quietly, but I heard it.

"Yachi?" I looked at her, I then kissed her.

Request made by @Jojorod09

Word Count: 907

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