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"The fuck are you playing at Rob?!" Olivia shouted in his face, causing the girl next to him to cower.

"Don't think for one second that with your fame-" Rob said.

"What? What's going to happen Rob? I spent the last six months of my life trying to stop it from becoming public. There is no reason for you to have gone and done that." Liv said calmer.

"You tell him." Shaaron told from behind.

"¿Te está molestando esta mujer, mi amor?" The woman asked Rob.
("Is this woman annoying you, my love?") 

"No, pero ella necesita CALMARSE!" Rob said to his girlfriend then Liv.
("No, but she needs to CALM DOWN!")

"¿Rompiste conmigo por esta perra española?" Liv shouted. "No te puedo creer!"
("You broke up with me for this Spanish bitch?")                          ("I can't believe you!")

Lorretta cleared her throat, "Some of us can't speak spanish, y'know."

"Me voy y no voy a volver." Liv said to Rob and the woman. "It means I'm leaving and not coming back." She said storming off and hitting Callum with her hat. "This was a bad idea."

"Look what you did!" Shaaron shouted at Rob. "You had something good going there, she made you happy. You made her happy. What changed?"

"People grow apart mum, that's life." Rob said before walking off, leaving Cyd to venture off towards Liv.

"Oh no." Callum said before Olivia stood up. "If only Tiger were here to see this."

"¿Qué deseas?" Liv asked Cyd angrily.
("What do you want?")

"Robbie, he is lying. We are not a couple, he- he wanted to see how you would feel if you had lost him. I am a married woman, Robbie's friends actually, I would never leave my husband for... Well, him." Cyd explained.

"Offensive yet, truthful." Liv said laughing, "Take a seat Cyd, tell me about Africa." Cyd smiled before sitting next to Olivia.

About an hour later, Rob came to apologise to his mum and saw them laughing. He smiled and thought about it more, 'She really was hurt.' He thought to himself. Rob walked over to the two women. "You two good then, yeah?"

"I don't know. Are we good Cydie." Liv said to the other woman.

"I think we are." Cyd said back. Olivia looked up at Rob, shrugged, smiled and shuffled forwards on the bed a little. Rob took off his shirt and sat behind her, a leg each side. Olivia fell asleep immediately, Rob looked at Cyd. "She is oblivious, Robbie. Don't worry."

"Good, don't want her finding out." He replied. Rob had already explained to his parents his plan.

Step one: Fake break up with her, so that she would be thinking of him the whole summer.
Step Two: Fake a new girlfriend, and have an argument, to see how well she knew her Spanish.
Step Four and Five are secrets: you'll find out next chapter.

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