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"Well done guys." Julie congratulating them, yet again clapping. "Yes Kat, you may get it out."

"Yay!" The woman replied as she handed Olivia a bow and arrow.

"What's this for?" Liv asked Julie, observing the bow. Decent size, lovely carvings, good stretch.

"We heard one of your strong suits is archery." Julie explained. "I wanted to see if what was going on in that marvel film, is staged or not. Please try and hit the bullseye of that darts board over there." Julie pointed and as soon as she dropped her arm, Liv shot. The arrow hit the centre first try.

"I like this one." Paul said to Ian.

"Yeah, I think we're going to have our hands full on set." Ian replied to Paul.

Kat clapped her hands and jumped up and down. Julie was frozen in shock. "You're hired." She said. Liv shrieked.

"Omg, thank you." Liv said hugging Julie.

"Filming's next month young Padawan." Paul said walking past her and out the door. Liv laughed at the Star Wars reference and walked out after him, followed by Ian, Kat and finally Julie. Rob, Tom and Chris were waiting at the bar for her. 

"So?" Rob asked Chris. "Nobody cares if she's got money and I've not, we're happy that's all that matters."

"I know, but that's what everyone's saying." Chris replied.

"Look guys, I don't know if we should be talking about the public eye without Liv." Tom interrupted,  he noticed Liv saying goodbye to her new co-stars. "OLIVIA! Come on, you're missing the fun."

"What's good?" She joked leaning on the bar and ordering a drink. Oh and I forgot to mention. The cruise started moving after she had gotten on and the music had already started.

"So did you want the job or not?" Chris asked her, tilting his head.

"Nailed it, you should have seen Ian's face when I hit the archery shot. Woo that was funny." She told the three of them.

"That's great babe." Rob said pulling her closer to him. He only called her babe when he was being protective, maybe of Chris, maybe of Tom.

They spent the rest of the night talking, Rob told them all about this big trip he had planned for the next year. He was going backpacking in Africa for six months. Then Tom told them about his tennis obsession, bit weird but ok and Chris about his art obsession.

"I think it's cute that you're obsessed with someone else's creativity." Liv told him, this made Rob jealous, like really jealous. He kissed her, proving she was his. Olivia gave him a side glance, asking if he was ok. He nodded and she told them about her spy-like clothing change from earlier in the day. They listened in awe. 

"Cool," Chris added as he noticed the sunrise and walked to the edge of the platform to watch it. Everybody else had gone inside to sleep, Tiger and Michael with some preppy bar-maids no doubt. It was just the four of them stood there watching the sunset, drinks in hand. They were sharing stories and experiences like they had been friends for life. (I hope I find a one night friendship like this)

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