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Olivia turned back on her seat to face the two boys and stood up. She grabbed Tiger on the shoulders gently and leaned in close to his face, he looked a little scared. "Move." She said sternly. "Or I'll throw you in the pool." She let go of him and took a step back, smiling sweetly. He couldn't have gotten out of there faster.

"You're drinks." The barman said shoving the tray towards Rob who was now staring into Olivia's pale blue eyes.

"Thanks mate," he said before grabbing the tray and walking back to his family, breaking the eye contact between them.

Olivia had barely gotten to her sunbed with their drinks before Tiger started teasing her, "You fancy him don't you!" He stood up, ready to run as her expression changed.

She yelled at him, "Any bloody louder and he would know!" She also stood up, then calmed herself and took a drink from her cola. She placed it on the table and walked over and hugged Tiger. "Sorry mate, I got carried away."

"It's alright Liv, you didn't mean me any harm." He said into her shoulder.

"Hey you lot, mind if I sit with you. My mum and grandparents won't stop squabbling, it's doing my head in." A familiar voice sounded, the two broke the hug and turned to face him.

"Yeah mate, sit down." Tiger said to Rob, who sat on the end of Livia's sunbed, her next to him. Joey hopped the bed and sat next to Tiger and they joked around for a couple of hours. Drinks coming every so often. The four had made a plan to go out in the old town after a dinner at Neptune's.

"Alright then fellas, and lady. I'll see you all later." Rob said as he walked towards his family, who were packing up ready to get ready for tonight.

"So, what do we think?" Tiger asked. "Make a bet on who's coming home with a Spanish lady tonight?"

"All odds are against me," Livia said. "I'd like to think that I'm into guys, thank you very much."

"Nah mate, he's talking about us." Joey said pointing to himself and Tiger.

"Yeah right." She said laughing. "You two couldn't plan a piss up in a brewery." Olivia picked up her towel and bag before making her way to the room again and changing before, going down to Neptune's and getting a table. She waited for the boys.

Olivia didn't have to wait long before Rob slid into the seat next to her with two drinks. He handed one to her and she thanked him.

"Where's the other two?" He asked as she glanced at his face. Perfectly structured and his eyes a dazzling blue.

"Hello?" Rob waved a hand in her face.

"Huh?" Liv asked.

He just looked at her for a second before asking, "Where's the other two?"

"I dunno." She said taking a sip from her drink and placing it back on the table

"Hmm.. Let's go find them, come on." Rob grabbed Liv's hand and guided her through the people, when they got into the room, they couldn't believe their eyes.

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