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TW: Claustrophobia(?), panic attacks

I was fucking around with Wilbur one second and the next I'm stuck in a piston.

"WILBUR, PLEASE!" I shouted through the blocks. I was scared and alone. "TUBBO?! TECHNO? ANYONE?" I shouted once more. "Please?" I said losing hope. I just wanted to be let out. 

I didn't know what to do. I just wanted someone to be let out. I started crying, what else was I supposed to do? I didn't know how to get out. I couldn't reach the blocks to break. I was sobbing. I hear muffled voices. "HELP!!!" I heard them laugh. It was just Wilbur, Techno, and Tubbo. 

"Please guys?" I said once more. I could hear the blocks being broken in front of me. I was given a false sense of hope of being let out when they opened it to show Techno. I was still sobbing but they couldn't see that. "Please?" I said one last time still very sad and scared. 

They were laughing and laughing I couldn't hear their voices, I was to scared. They were just muffled voices. I just wanted to be let out. I was scared, alone, and crying. I watched them box it up once more. I tried to reach for my phone to call someone, but failed. "Please guys?" They still hadn't let me out. 

I was crying incredibly hard. The walls felt like they were closing in on me. My breathing rapidly increased as I panicked. "PLEASE!" I shouted again. "PLEASE GUYS!" I continued shouting things similar to this before I finally heard someones footsteps. 

"HELLO?" I shouted hoping they would hear. "Hello?" It was Phil. "DAD!" "Tommy?" "DAD PLEASE LET ME OUT!" "Where are you?" I finally felt my panic subside as I heard him talking. "IN THE WALL!" I shouted.

I watched as the blocks were broken revealing Phil. "Please." I said one last time, still slightly crying. He broke the piston pulling me out. 

I hugged him tightly, still crying. "Hey, hey. It's okay." He said softly. We stayed like that for awhile before he finally said "Who put you in there?" Still holding me. "Wilbur, Techno, and Tubbo." I said sniffling slightly. I could feel him seethe in anger. "Do you know where they went?" "No." I said. "Im gonna make them apologize, okay?" He said still angry. "Alright." I said finally having stopped crying. "Lets go find them okay?" Phil said. "Alright." I stood up slightly shaking from being scared. 

We walked for awhile. I had calmed down, but I was very quite. We finally saw them Phil seemed very angry. We walked over to them. Once they saw us they looked very scared. "Apologize." Phil said very sternly. "Sorry." Wilbur said, sounding sincere. "Sorry.." Techno said sounding less but still sincere. "Im sorry." Tubbo said sounding incredibly sorry, more sincere then the others. "Its okay." I said. "No. Its not okay. When I found him he was sobbing and having a panic attack!" Phil yelled. He sounded VERY angry. 

They all looked very guilty. Tubbo in captured me into a tight hug. I hugged back still slightly shaky. Soon after Wilbur came in and hugged me as well. Techno was hesitant, but gave in. I started crying slightly. We all finally pulled apart.

Phil seemed content with how he resolved it, but still very angry. "Your all grounded for 2 months." He said "WERE ADULTS!" Techno and Wilbur exclaimed. "And I'm not even your kid..." Tubbo said. "I don't care if your adults, and I'll talk to Schlatt later."

Started: January 13th, 2021

Finished: January 13th, 2021

597 Words

Tommy angst cause I'm sadWhere stories live. Discover now