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This is based on Tommys newest video.

(Heres the link if you wanna watch

You can read this without the context but the video gives more to it ig.

(Philza isn't in this)

Tommy was in hell. Wilbur, his brother who he loves very much but is being VERY annoying right now. The two were at a theme park. Tommy absolutely hated rollercoasters and Wilbur was no help as he was teasing the other before every ride. Saying things like, "you could die Tom!" "Tommy this might be it for us!" And more.

Tommy was horrified to say the least.

Somehow he kept his cool and went on all the rides that Wilbur suggested. It was obvious that Wilbur was trying to test his limits and see when he was gonna opt out. Tommy did not like that. So he was gonna be stubborn and deal with it.

It was only till Tommy got onto one ride. 'The Smiler' He was so scared. He was also really worried that he would piss himself which was slightly irrelevant but was still would be an embarrassing outcome. Wilbur was sat next to him as Tommy's stomach flipped as they got secured into their seats.

Tommy was shaking and Wilbur was slightly laughing at the other.

Wilbur had been trying to make sure he was also okay and wasn't going to go into a panic or anything. Wilbur was quiet protective, but he still loved being able to tease the younger.

Tommy sat there horrified. The screams of children and teens on other rides were suppressed and barely even noticed in Tommy's mind as his thoughts rushed with making the worst possible outcome he could think of.

Finally they felt the ride to begin going backwards. Tommy sucked in one last breath as the ride started speeding in every which direction.

Wilbur was having fun. It made his head hurt slightly but he was still enjoying it none the less. Tommy on the other hand was on the verge of tears. The only thing stoping him from breaking into tears was the wind being rushed into his eyes. He was clutching onto the restrains exceptionally hard.

He suddenly started feeling incredibly claustrophobic. The air holding him still and clenching him onto the seat. The yellow cushion so close to his chest. His tense limbs making him feel small and enclosed.

He could feel his breathing increase rapidly. Although he couldn't breath well. He looked to Wilbur who was smiling and laughing as he looked forward.

Tommy could stay calm till they get off. It'll be alright. He tried some breathing exercises that weren't much help. The ride finally stopped. He let the ride instructor pull up his restraints. He instantly sat up when Wilbur did. They walked back to the cement by the ride that was comfortably on the ground.

He could feel his tears flow to the tear ducts of his eyes. Still holding it back.

"That was fun yeah?" His brother said. Tommy opened his mouth to give a reply when he realized he couldn't speak he simply nodded.

Wilbur was now worried. The normally loud boy was struck silent. He instantly understood as he saw the younger shaking and struggling to stand. Wilbur quickly grabbed the others hand and rushed them through the crowd of children. He kept going. Dragging Tommy with him till they reached the car. Wilbur let go of the scared boys hand and opened the door for him to get in.

Tommy slowly walked to the door and sat down in the dirty seat of Wilbur's car. As Wilbur quickly rushed to the other side and sitting down turning the air conditioning on to let the cold air wake the other from his horror.

"You're alright Tommy. Its fine." He said pulling his torso over the glove compartment to hold the other closer.

"You wanna go home and watch a movie bud?" Tommy gave a slight nod. Wilbur quickly set his hands on the steering wheel and drove them back to the older's apartment.

Finally once they reached the destination Tommy pulled himself out of the car. Now being able to walk and comprehend where they were and what happened. They walked up the flight of stairs. Tommy still being silent.

Wilbur quickly unlocked the door ushering Tommy into the house. Tommy stepped in and instantly laid on the couch and started silently crying.

Wilbur felt horrible. He shouldn't have done that too the poor boy. He knew he was scared and yet he didn't stop himself before it went to far.

The brunette quickly closed the door and walked to his room where he found multiple fluffy blankets. He grabbed them and took them back to the living room where Tommy sat still crying onto the couch cushion. Wilbur carefully draped a single blanket over the shaky boy and grabbed the remote. Trying to find something happy for the boy.

Finally he found a fitting movie. Tommy slightly sat up. Now watching the movie. The blanket scrunched to his chest.

Wilbur sat next to the boy and pulled him into a soft, apologetic hug. Tommy cried into the others shoulder for a bit before they both layed down. Wilbur sat laying against the arm rest, the younger laying in his lap as Wilbur played with his hair till the boy fell into a deep sleep. Wilbur finally relaxed as well and closed his eyes. Finally letting himself rest.

Tommy angst cause I'm sadWhere stories live. Discover now