Does he even care about me.?

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"Hey"- I said sadly

"Hey.! Wait why you sad.?"- Jenny

"Does Danny ever talk about me.?"- me

"Yeah. That time when you didn't come to school."- Jenny

"Oh. Does he even care about me.?"- me

"I don't know about that."- Jenny

"Oh."- me

"Yaah. Hey I have to go. Bye."- Jenny

"Yeah bye."- me

I went home and went on Facebook. I saw so many comments and messages and all that about me. I'm going to delete my Facebook account and only have my Twitter account. @DaniCim so yeah it's pretty awesome having fans and I love them so much.!

"Hey Dani!"- Lauren said as she burst in our room.

"Hey."- I said scrolling in my laptop.

"Hey! Zack is coming over!"- Lauren said happy

"I'm happy for you."- I said

"What's wrong?"- Lauren asked me as she sat by me

"Nothing just you know scrolling in my newsfeed."- I said

"No.! Dani I know you. And you are sad. Tell me."- Lauren slammed the laptop closing it.

"Lauren! What the hell! Okay! Fine! I like Danny.! There I said it but I don't know if he feels the same way about me."- me

"Dani! You have a crush on your own friend.? I have to admit, he is cute haha."- Lauren said smirking

"Shut up!"- me

"Haha. I have Zack already."- Lauren

"Well.?"- me.

"Bye."- Lauren

"Bye."- me

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