ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

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Erika was helping one of the students when her dad walked in

"Erika come out please"
"Oooo" the class said Erika laughed and walked out with her dad
"What's up" Erika asked
"Jake Paul he's failing two of his projects his teacher gave him a project he needs to work on it will count as half of his grade and he needs to study for his make up test he has tomorrow he's staying after school i told him I would help him but I have a school Board meeting so I need you to help him out"
"Um yeah of course dad I'll make sure he passes tomorrow" she said with a smile
"Thanks sweetie he's been stressed a lot so don't get scared of he yells"
"I know how defend myself dad don't worry I'll be fine" she said her dad smiled and walked away

Erikas POV
Hopefully this goes well

-after school

Jake walked into the classroom he chuckled looking at Erika

"Did your daddy send you to help me" Jake said sitting down in front of her
"Yes my dad did he has a important meeting so open your computer so I can help you with your project then I'll help you study for your test tomorrow " Erika said Jake rolled his eyes and got his computer out

They worked on his project and studied for the test

"Okay that's it you understood everything I'm pretty sure you'll pass" Erika said with a smile
"I don't really care I've been here since freshman year and my parents still think there's a chance of me changing" he said putting his things away
"Then show them that you can your test is important" she said
"Whatever" he said about to leave
"Are you mad at me" she asked he turned around
"Why would I be mad at a girl who is here as a volunteer not because you actually care"
"I do I'm sorry for what I said before" she said he walked up to her looking down at her while she looked up at him
"It's aight  don't really care about what people say"he said
"It seemed like you did" she said
"Why do you care if I did" he asked with a small smirk
"I don't" she said
"Are you sure babygirl" he whispered in her ear she let out a shaky breath but pushed him away
"Don't start again please "
"I already told you I won't stop until your mine only mine" he said and walked out


"Hey Erika can you help me with my homework" Jake said biting his lip
"yeah Um sit down here" Erika said standing up from her chair Jake sat down and showed her his work Erika leaned down pointing at what she was doing and started explaining it Jake leaned back in the chair and looked at her body from head to toe biting his lip
"You turn me on with the little skirts you wear" Jake said rubbing the back of her thigh Erika stood up and back up
"Stop" she said Jake stood up now looking down at her
"Why should I"
"Because...my dads the principal and I'm technically your teacher/tutor it's wrong" she said looking up at him
"Your 18 I'm 18 we are the same age I want you and I don't care if your dad is the fucking principal I wouldn't even care if your dad was the fucking president"
"Well I do" she said about to walk away Jake pulled her back and picked her up putting her on the desk
"What are doing" she said

Jake smirked , Erika was trying to get up but Jake held her there and smashed his lips onto hers. Erika tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge he held her waist tightly Erika soon gave in and kissed back they started making out Intensely Jake kissed along her jaw, down her neck trying to find her sweet spot once he did he sucked on it leaving hickeys she let out small moans her fingers pulling on his hair Jake groaned

"J-Jake" she moaned
"Yes babygirl"
"This...this is wrong" she said finally pushing him off her she got off the desk fixing her skirt Jake pulled her by her waist
"So what" he said she managed to get out of his grip
"This was wrong it shouldn't have happened"
"But it did and you can't deny you don't enjoy it princess my hands all over your body they way I kissed you and I can do so much more-"
"S-stop, ugh leave me alone don't ask me for help anymore" Erika said quickly grabbing her purse and walking out of the classroom Jake smirked
"You'll be mine soon" he said touching his lips....

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