ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜

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-Erikas house

Once Erika got home she ran upstairs and closed her door

Erikas POV
Ugh why did that have to happen but he's a good kisser-no Erika you know this is wrong Ugh I hate this feeling

Erika walked into her bathroom to take a breath but froze when she saw a dark purple hickey on her neck

"No no no he did not just give me a hickey how did I not notice" she said to herself Then her phone started ringing she answered it

J-hello beattful
E- jake! How did you get my number
J-don't worry about that babe
E-no stop don't call me that and what's wrong with you you left me a hickey on my neck where my dad could see do you know in how much trouble I'll get into if he sees it and that it was from you Ugh I'm so dead
J-woah calm down princess-
E-I'm not your princess! Everyone could see it-
J-Why do you think I gave you a hickey huh Your mine weather you want it or not now everyone will know so stop being dramatic aight I'll see you tomorrow don't think about me too much

He said and hung up Erika screamed in frustration


Erika was at the school helping her dad clean up

"Can you go out to the field sweetie after the fire drill there was a lot of fights and things being thrown out there"
"Yeah I'll go" Erika said grabbing a trash bag and walk out to the Field

Erika started picking up the trash then saw something from a far she then saw that persons face

Erikas POV
Jake what is he-omg is he selling drugs

Jake saw Erika the guy walked away and Jake started walking towards Erika she pretended to not see him

"Erika" jake said Erika grabbed the trash bag and started to walk away almost speed walk until she felt a hand grab her arm turning her around making her drop the trash bag
"What are you doing here" he asked calmly
"Helping my dad clean the school so if you don't mind letting me go" she said trying to pull away but his grip got tighter
"Mmm aight but you saw what I was doing didn't you" he said
"N-no" she said he chuckled
"Don't be scared I'm not mad but don't tell anyone what you saw"
"And if I do"
"I like you Erika I like you a lot...but don't push it " he said making her look in his eyes she slapped his hand away
"Why do you do that you look like Your not really in need of Um money"
"You mean because Im rich " he said she nods
"I don't know I'm bored and I'm not rich my parents are"
"Then why don't you focus on school"
"Not my thing"
"Jake your not dumb when we go over things you get everything right"
"That's because you babygirl explain it so much better then the teachers" he said putting a strand of hair behind her ear she pushed his hand off
"I don't want you to get into any more bad habits Your a good person Jake "
"How would you know that"
"B-because I'm your tutor and-"
"Why do you always have to bring that up i Don't give a shit if my tutor I want you to be with me"
"Your changing the subject"
"I don't care!"
"Ugh you know what bye!"Erika said frustrated but Jake pulled her back and smashed his lips onto hers Erika pushed him back glaring at him
"What is someone mad, don't act like you didn't like it so come here" he said pulling her back and kissing her this time she kissed back they made out until they both pulled back for air
"See you Monday princess" he said pecking her lips and walking away smirking she stood there in shock

Erikas POV
What just happened....

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