ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟚

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Jakes POV
If y'all thought I was just going to leave it like that your wrong I want Erika and if that means I have to change...some things about me fine whatever let's just hope she'll listen to me

Jake drove to her house

"What the hell!" Jake yelled seeing Erika walking a guy out of Erikas house she hugged him waving bye as he got in his car
And drove off
"Who the Fuck to is he!"

Jake clenched his jaw and sped off

-with Erika

Erikas POV
So my friend josh came to see me we've been friends since elementary school he came over with sunny as a surprise he moved practically all around Asia his parents have a company that help endangered animals he's in town for a visit his family owns a sanctuary here in California where they have animals and he invited sunny and I too come over after school since I still need to go teach after everything that is going on with Jake I need to distract myself

-after school

"Erika" Jake said walking up to her Erika rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse
"Can we talk" he said again she turned around
"I guess " she said
"I don't want us to end....it worked to damn hard for you to even say yes to me" he said she giggled softly
"So please forgive me" he said wrapping his arms around her waist she looked up at him and smiled
"Fine but-"
"Ugh I knew that was coming " he said she rolled her eyes
"I'm serious Jake if you want us to work I want you to stop dealing Please" she said he looked her in the eyes
"....yeah sure" he said not looking her in the eyes but she grabbed his chin turning his face to look at her
"Jake" she said seriously
"What I don't get how it's bad"
"It's illegal!" She said
"Correction ms.Erika weed is legal in Cali"
"What about the other drugs" she said
"Aight you got...a point but it's not like I got the cops on my ass nobody except you and the people who by drugs from me know I deal" he said
"What about your parents" she asked Jake laughed she looked at him confused
"Like they'll ever pay attention to what I do they only time they ever pay attention to me was...I don't fucking remember probably when I was born cuz I couldn't take care of myself but once I started school bye bye Jake we don't care what you do unless it involves your big brother then I'm invisible to them"
"Jake....why don't you tell them how you feel"
"Like they'll listen to me but fine I'll do whatever you want"
"Thank you" she said
"Now give me a kiss" he said she giggled and kissed all over his face then finally kissed his lips they made out then pulled back

Erikas phone rings

E-hi josh

"Who's josh-"
"Shh" Erika said covering the phone Jake clenched his jaw squinting his eyes at her

E-Uh sorry about that
Jo- it's fine but are you coming sunnys already here
E- yeah but can I bring my friend
E-great see you in 15 minutes

(End of call)

"So I'm your friend now" Jake said
"Stop let's go"
"Fine but I kinda promised someone something first so give me a-"
"Erika it's the last time"
"Then tell him to meet us over there it will be fun Josh's family owns a sanctuary for animals"
"Uhh sounds...nice but it's not really our place to-"
"please" she said on her tippy toes with her arms around his neck and kissing him softly it turned into a make out session until she pulled back
"Yes" she said
"Mhm" he said biting his lip

Erika smiled grabbing his hand and walking out to the parking lot

"Follow me" Erika said he nodded

They drove to the sanctuary and Anthony was already there when they showed up

"What's good bro" Jake said dapping him up
"Nothing much but why are we here"Anthony asked
"Gotta please my girl"
"That's why I stay single"
"I would but this girl drives me crazy" he said looking at Erika who was on her phone but then looked up and smiled Jake groaned
"Your whipped bro" Anthony whispered
"Hi I'm Erika" Erika said Anthony gave back a friendly smile
"Nice I'm Anthony" he said she nodded
"Mmm" she said looking at him Anthony and Jake looked at her confused
"You good" Anthony asked
"Yeah it's just you would look good with my cousin her names sunny"
"I don't really do relationship"
"That's what Jake said she really pretty and fun just watch come on" she said walking in they guys followed her

"Erika!" Josh said walking to her picking her up and spinning her around Erika smiled Jake clenched his jaw
"Is someone jealous" Anthony teased with a smirk .....

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