ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟡

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"Mr.costell" Jake said
"What are you two doing is he the boy Erika I have you here to tutor and look what your doing"
"And you Jake leave go home or I'll suspend you for a week"
"Dad!" Erika yelled
"You can't do that if I get suspended again I won't be able to graduate!" Jake yelled
"Then go home or you'll repeat senior year again" mr.costell said Jake clenched his jaw
"Dad don't do this please he's been trying so hard"
"I'm not talking to you Erika so Jake what are you going to do"
Jake huffed bawling his fists up Erika noticed and grabbed his hand
"It's okay "
"Erika!" her dad yelled at her
"You know what no I don't care suspended me do whatever the fuck you want but I'm not leaving Erika!"
"No jake please just go"
"What no-l
"Please!" She said with watery eyes his face softened
"Fine" he said looking at her dad then walking out
"Let's go" her dad said Erik gulped and followed her dad


"Dad please I couldn't stop it"
"This conversation is over Erika you and Jake are over your never seeing him again your grounded go to your room"
"I'm 18-"
"Go to your room!" Her dad yelled and she cried and ran to her room

-next day

"Where are you going"
"I still have to tutor-"
"Your not going I found someone to replace you" he said and got up leaving Erika sighed her mom hugged her
"It's okay sweetie"
"No...no it's not"

-few days later

"Please mom it won't take long I just need to get my things school need no one will be there"Erika said
"Alright but be quick" her mom said Erika nodded and left

Jakes POV
I'm stressing so bad I haven't seen Erika in a few days she won't answer my calls my text nothing she doesn't come to school I can't go to her house because of her parents but I need to see her

Erika walked into her class and started grabbing her things

"Fuck" jake said as he touched his pockets not finding his phone he groaned and making a u turn and going back into school he walked to the class and grabbed his phone but notice Erika

"Erika" Jake said
"Jake" Erika ran to him hugging him he hugged back tightly
"Why haven't you come to school or answer my calls" Jake said
"My parents they took my phone I barely convinced my mom to let me take my stuff I left here
"I'll talk to your parents-"
"No please don't"
"Then what are we supposed to do I can't lose you I...." he started but cut himself off Erika gulped
"You what Jake"
"I just can't lose you you changed my for the good I'm not that bad kid I was before I stopped dealing I don't get into trouble I still have my temper but I'm working on it" he said she smiled and kissed him he kissed
"I know but it will take some time to convince them that your not bad"
"But I can't see you till then"
"...sunny!"She said he stared at her confused
"Here" she said grabbing his phone she smiled once he saw his lock screen
"It's us on our first date" she smiled looking up at him he smiled she u locked his Phone and went into contacts she put sunnys phone number in his phone
"I put sunnys number in text her to talk to me"

They heard noise and someone call out for Erika it was her dad Erika panicked

"Go Jake please" she said softly he sighed and started walking out but turned around grabbing her face hissing her passionately then ran out Erika smiled then looked up
"You have all your things" her dad asked she nodded and they left ....

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