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John Wick stomps on his acceleration pedal, racing through the streets of Mustafar. 

"Goddamnit..." He grumbled, as the streetlights flashing by his car as he raced down the streets.

The Bakugou residence comes into John's view, and he pressed on the brake pedal. Drifting into a skidding stop, leaving the keys in the ignition. He flies out of his car, rushing to the house's front door.

He vaults the front gate, before pounding on the door, holding his pistol.

(Yeah, I know. A Flamethrower Shotgun Deagle. Badass.)

Mitsuki opens the door, looking alarmed

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Mitsuki opens the door, looking alarmed.

"Mr. Wick? I, uh, didn't know you were going to get here that fast."  She says, looking confused.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Anyways, are your belongings packed? Essentials only, since I have limited space." John's head snaps around, carefully watching his rear and flanks.

"Um, yes. Masaru and Katsuki are waiting in the living room." She answers.

"Good. Let's get going." John ushers the Bakugou family through the front yard, herding them to his car.

He keeps the weapon low, but at the ready. Scanning the area, he opens the charger's rear doors, waving the family in.

He spins around, hearing the sound of shattering glass.

"I fucking knew it." He grunts.

Aiming down the sights of his gun, he stares at the front door of the home, waiting for movement.

"Spread out! Find the bastards!" A voice shouts from inside. 

Katsuki's hands crackle to life on instinct, shifting John's attention. The tall man whips out his phone, presses a few buttons, and throws it into the car. He keeps his gun trained on the front door.

"Shit!" One of the men grunts, kicking through the front door.

John pulls the trigger, blasting the man into oblivion and sending him tumbling to the ground.

Mitsuki yelps and John gets in the car. Revving the engine, he speeds away, further into the city.

John looks in the rearview, as headlights start appearing. 

"Fuckers are fast." He mumbles. 

"Masaru! That your name?" John asks, not taking his eyes off the road.

The elder Bakugou responds.

"Yes, sir." He gulps nervously.

"You ever handled a gun before?" John asks. 

"N-no, sir." He says, trembling slightly.

John hands him a handgun, without taking his eyes off the road.

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