Surprise Attack

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Izuku made his way back to the classroom, along with Katsuki, Eijirou, and Mina. Katsuki had his gaze transfixed upon the U. A gate that separated the outside world from campus.

"Hey, Mina. what do you think regular classes will be like?" He asked.

"I don't want to answer that... Because if I say I hope it'll be fun, I think Aizawa sensei is gonna do something scary again." Mina dejectedly responds.
"Tch. That was a waste of my time." Katsuki says.
"Well, that's only because you lost, Katsuki." Eijirou laughs.
Katsuki shoots a look at him.
"Can it, weird hair."
Eijirou grins.
"Oh come on, it's not that different from your hair."
Katsuki scoffs and looks away.
Outside the Campus
"Are you sure this is a good idea, boss?" A man asks.
"Oh yeah. There's about 150 of us. And  only 9 or 10 teachers." The boss responds.
"Plus, we have Nomu. Master has been working on that for a while now." He grins his cracked lips.
"Whatever you say..."
"On my command." He touches the door with 4 of his fingers.
"3...2...1...Attack!" He plants his entire palm on the barrier, disentegrating it.
The rest of them follow suit, and rush through the gates.
One of them rockets forward, and shoots a missile out of their mouth.
Back with the students
Izuku looks up, and the entire building rocks back and forth.
"What the hell?!" Katsuki stumbles.
He falls forward, and Eijirou catches him.
"Thanks, weird hair." Katsuki stands up.
"LEVEL 3 SECURITY BREACH! ALL STUDENTS EVACUATE TO THE GYMNASIUM!" a voice on the loudspeakers announces.
The kids stream out of the classrooms, rushing for the exit door.
Izuku and Katsuki look at each other, sharing the same look.
Outside, the villains start to attack the buildings.
One of them nears the door, only to be shot away.
"So, you guys are low enough to attack a high school. Jesus." John walks out of the doors.
He holds a US556 in his hands.
"Come at me."
The mass of villains comply, only to be shot in the chests and legs with stun rounds.
One of them gets in close and knocks him backwards with a kick.
John counters, yanking on the villain's ankle, pulling him off balance. Then he gets back up, and stomps on his face.
The man is knocked out, and John glares at the rest of them.
"Who's next?!"
A group of villains start to swarm him. John picks off about 5 or 6 before the rest start to move at him. Suddenly, a cloth wraps around them, bunching them together.
"Shota...!" John looks up.
Aizawa is staring at the group, erasing their quirks.
"Now!" He shouts.
"On it!" Nemuri responds, pulling on her sleeves, releasing an aroma that put them to sleep.
"100 to go." Vlad King says, walking out with hound dog and ectoplasm.
"Oh, that's not too bad, considering
What we've seen."
"Your absolutely...grrr...fucking right!!" Hound dog shouts, slamming his fist into his palm.
They rush through the villains, pushing them down. Headed towards the boss.
"Come here, you fucker!" Hound dog shouts, reaching his clawed hand to the boss' face.
Nomu comes out of nowhere, grabbing hound dogs face.
"Gggh!" He grunts.
The Nomu lets out an inhuman screech, and throws the pro aside.
John, who turns his head to see the Nomu, immediately starts shooting at it.
The Nomu, seemingly unfazed by all of the stun rounds going into his chest, stomps forward, setting its eyes on Nemuri. It starts sprinting towards it, swinging already.
"Bullet shock!" John shouts, activating the stun bullets, which start to crackle with electricity. Suddenly, it discharges all of the energy it stored up, deep frying the Nomu.
The Nomu falls over, screaming.
The boss seems unfazed.
"That was a pretty good attack, John Wick. But it wasn't enough."
"What are you talking ab-" John isn't able to finish, as the Nomu stands up, and sucker punches him, sending him flying.
"John!!!" Shota screams, rushing towards him.
"Not so fast." The boss commands Nomu to chase him.
The Nomu is on top of Shota almost instantly, crushing his arms.
Shota screams in pain, on the ground.
Nemuri's knees buckle, and she stumbles to the ground.
"Boss, what is our escape plan?" Another villain asks.
"I have Kurogiri on standby. Have as much fun as you please."
The villain nods, and smiles, seeing Nemuri, who is still in shock.
Heading towards her, he extends his arm.
"Get away from her, bastard!" Katsuki shouts, launching himself to her defense, blowing up an explosion in the villain's face.
"Get up, sensei. You're a pro, right? You have to deal with shit. Get Wick sensei out of here. I already talked with Izuku. All might's on his way. I'll hold off as much as I can with That broccoli bastard.
Izuku shudders, seeing John lying on the ground.
He snaps his head towards the Nomu.
"Increase power output to 150%." Izuku says.
"Warning: continual use of over 100% power output will drain your health. Please refrain from pushing yourself too hard." The AI responds.
"Do it!" Izuku shouts.
'Judging from that thing's size and speed, I could safely assume that it's power is roughly equal to all might.
If that's the case, I should be aiming for weak spots rather than going for an all out attack.' Izuku rushes forward.
Izuku drives his fist into the Nomu's gut, knocking it backward.
When the dust settles, Izuku saw that
The Nomu was unfazed.
"What?!" He shouts, jumping back.
"No way! I'm fighting right here right now."
Todoroki arrived on the scene, to see Izuku fighting a bird like creature with a body frame that could equal All might's.
"What the fuck is that?!" He says, stepping back.
Izuku turns away, facing Todoroki.
The Nomu also notices Todoroki, and rushes at him.
The Nomu swings at him, fully ready to cave his skull in.
Time slows down, and the horror dawns on everyone that Todoroki's life was in imminent danger.
Izuku is standing there, with his arms crossed in an 'x,' guarding The older boy.
"Get Dad of of here! Move it, Todoroki!" Izuku shouts, holding onto the Nomu's arms.
The Nomu swats him aside, and rushes off to attack Izuku again.
Shoto's senses come back, and he immediately grabs John, still unconscious, and carries him to the exit.
"Come on...!" Izuku frantically yells, smashing into the Nomu's side.
Izuku pulls out his blades, and slices into the Nomu, gouging out chunks of it's flesh, while increasing speed.
"I'll fucking obliterate you!!" Izuku screams, stabbing into the Nomu's shoulders, and slicing outward, cutting out it's collarbones. He then folds his blades, and shoots a hole through the Nomu. It screeches in agony, and Izuku charges up another blast.
"WARNING: CORE FUNCTIONS FAILING: MELTDOWN INITIATED" the AI ejects, lodging itself in the Nomu's chest.
The steel on the arms begin to melt away, and it finally blows up in the Nomu's face, sending it flying.
Izuku is breathing heavily, and Katsuki shoves his hand in the villain's face, finishing him off.
"Go to hell!!!!" He screams.
Izuku lies down, staring at the sky.
"It's over...!" He chokes out.
The boss chuckles.
"Isn't that a bit presumptuous, hero?!"
A shadow appears over Izuku.
"No...!" Izuku shouts, before the Nomu stomps on Izuku's legs, crushing them.
The searing pain begins to flare up Izuku's legs, finally registering to his nervous system.
Izuku lets out a bloodcurdling scream, which echoes throughout the U.A. campus.
Katsuki looks on in terror, as Izuku is pinned to the ground by the Nomu.
"I'll admit, kid, that meltdown attack, that did some serious damage. As I'm sure you've heard about in your biology classes, carbonized cells cannot regenerate. So, that attack is gonna keep that scar on his body." The boss walks up to Izuku, on the ground, still screaming in agony.
"I'll give you a couple of options," he smiles wickedly.
"You give the say so, and Nomu kills midnight and your friend Katsuki over there, and I spare your life. I'll even bring you back to Master, so he can heal you himself."
His cracked lips split a little, leaking blood.
"Or, I could have Nomu rip out your legs, arms, and then off your head. Your head being last, of course. Your choice."
Izuku spits in the boss' eye.
"Option three, I stab you through the heart!" He leans up, unfurling a hidden blade within the end of his upper arm, swinging downwards to the boss. The boss grins and catches the blade. After about 5 seconds, the blade begins to rust, and crumble.
"Sorry. Option 3 isn't available at this time. It's game over for you, Izuku..." The Nomu reaches down and rips out his other prosthetic.
Now totally incapacitated, and losing blood, Izuku's vision began to blur.
Katsuki shot forward, reaching out to Izuku.
"Don't you fucking dare die on me, you shitty nerd!!!!"
The Nomu spins its eyes to face him.
Katsuki stops dead in his tracks, gripped with fear.
"Let me see that horror... On your face some more!!!" The boss shouts, rushing to Katsuki himself.
"IT'S ALL RIGHT NOW! WHY DO YOU ASK? BECAUSE I AM HERE!!!" a voice shouts, slamming down on the Nomu from above, creating a crater.
"All... M...ight..." Izuku rasps out, before finally succumbing to his wounds, and blacking out.
"All might's here... What a pleasant surprise! Come at me, scum!" The boss beckons.
All might snaps, rushing forward and kicking the boss into a building, shutting him up.
A purple portal begins to swirl around the boss, swallowing him into the mist.
All might immediately goes back to the Nomu, and starts laying into him.
Katsuki watches on in shock, as All might slammed fist after fist into the Nomu's face, burrowing it deeper into the ground.
"Kayama-Sensei!" All might shouts, while still keeping up his rush.
Nemuri snaps back to reality.
"Get Young Bakugo and Midoriya out of here! I'm putting an end to this!"
Nemuri nods, picking up Midoriya's broken, unconscious body. She grabs Katsuki by the collar and begins to run. She doesn't stop.
"Wait...!" A voice calls out from behind her.
She turns around and sees a man on the floor, a villain.
"What do you want, scum?!" She shouts.
"To help the kid! Put him down. I can heal him."
Nemuri shakes her head.
"Why would I believe you? You attacked a high school, for Christ's sake!"
"Yeah, we thought we were just going to storm it and take out all Might! I never signed on to torture kids!" He snaps back.
"I have a healing quirk, so the league recruited me to heal their other employee's wounds. Now put him down!"
Nemuri, shocked by the sincerity and regret in his tone, lowers Izuku to the ground, in front of him.
He tears off a piece of his shirt and places it in Izuku's mouth.
"Hey! Boy! Come hold him down!" He points at Katsuki.
Katsuki nods, and walks over, and grabs onto Izuku's shoulders.
"Here goes...!" He placed his hands on Izuku's knee, and electricity began to spark around Izuku's legs.
Katsuki's eyes widened, as Izuku's crushed legs fell off, and crumbled away. And then, nerve endings began to sprout from the stub where Izuku's legs used to be. His eyes snapped open, and Izuku started screaming. Katsuki held him down, while Nemuri held his head in her lap, comforting him. His eyes looked panicked. One by one, his bones started to form, then began to be covered by muscles and ligaments.
Izuku's muffled screams faded, as his legs fully healed.  The villain took his arms off of Izuku and laid his head down.
"If only this could atone for all of the misdeeds that I have committed... Oh, how wonderful that would be... But there's no way that'll happen. I'll just die here and go to hell... For all of my sins." He whispered, as his legs began to wither.
Nemuri looked on in shock, as the man's legs turned to dust, and ended at his knees. Right where Izuku's legs had been crushed.
"Thank you... Midnight, Young man..." He smiled.
Then, he passed.
Izuku, now conscious, saw and heard everything. He began crying.
The tattered piece of cloth fell from his mouth, and he wailed.

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