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kendallcline has posted!


Liked by rudeth, elisoncline and 1,394,204 otherskendallcline 😞😄😠😆😮😏

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Liked by rudeth, elisoncline and 1,394,204 others
kendallcline 😞😄😠😆😮😏

👥 rudeth, drewstarkey, madelyncline, hichasestokes, elisoncline

View all 24,928 comments

kendallcline - guess whos who
   user1 - @kendallcline 😞:kendall 😄:rudy 😠:drew 😆:maddie 😮:chase 😏:elison
   elisoncline - @user1 correcto
   rudeth - @user1 muy bien

elameeeee - oh my god your cousins in town!
   elisoncline - @elameeeee oh hey👋🏼
   user2 - @elisoncline that sounded a bit sarcastic...
   elisoncline - @user2 pfff no ofc not
   hollywoodfix - @elisoncline trouble in paradise with one of our favorite netflix couples?

madelyncline - flameyo hotman
   kendallcline - @madelyncline flameyo

rudeth - i found a crab
   kendallcline - @rudeth very nice pankow
   rudeth - @kendallcline i'm hungry
   hichasestokes - @rudeth than to get food
   rudeth - @hichasestokes shut up i wasn't talking to you
   elisoncline - @rudeth can u get drew and i fries
   drewstarkey - @rudeth pleaseee
   rudeth - @drewstarkey @elisoncline no❤️
   elisoncline - @rudeth oh f you
   kendallcline - @elisoncline wow wow wow wow!
   madelyncline - @elisoncline language!
   hichasestokes - @rudeth this started with i found a crab

user3 - i wish i was a cline
   user4 - @user3 or a pankow
   user5 - @user4 or a stokes
   user6 - @user5 or a starkey
   user7 - @user6 or just in the show so i could hangout

gigihadid - is that little elison?
   elisoncline - @gigihadid yes
   kendallcline - @gigihadid yes
   gigihadid - @kendallcline ugh i miss you both

real life!

kendall and elison had ended up spending the whole day together, like they would before kendall moved away. they went to the beach, along with some shopping and good old fashion shopping.

kendall told elison what had happened the one night rudy walked out on her in the middle of an argument, along with the mention of the message elaine had sent him.

that alone was enough to make the young girls blood boil, she had only every meet elaine once before while kendall and madelyn were filming season one. she imminently didnt like her, there was something off about her.

"im sorry, she did what! what did i till you, huh? told you she was a..." elison started as they made their way off of the elevator, only for kendall to cover her mouth.

"i'm going to stop you right there before someone hears you... wouldn't want the next thing we see on twitter to be nice old fashion scandal." kendall teased as she opened the apartment door. the girls walked in and placed their bags down by the door.

elison made her way over to the pantry, grabbing a bag of tates bake shop thin cookies. when she turned around she looked into the living room and through the glass door that lead onto the balcony, only to see rudy and elaine standing on it.

"no fucking way..." elison trailed off as she bit down on the cookie while leaning on the island, watching the two of them.

"what? what happened, el?" kendall asked as she walked over to her sister, leaning on the opposite side of the counter. elison pointed out onto the balcony with her pinky as she held onto the cookie.

"look... look." she simply said as she grabbed the bag and walked into the guest room, kendall turned around until her eyes finally landed on rudy and elaine out onto the balcony. she sat down on the counter and waited until one of them noticed her.

"elison... get out here." she whisper shouted while leaning towards her sisters room, she groaned and got up.

"what?" she asked as she looked at rudy and elaine talking, she was being rather touchy with the boy and it wasn't like rudy was stopping her.

"wait with me?" kendall asked while elison leaned her elbows on the counter next to her sister, nodding her head. they waited for what seemed like five more minutes until elaine suddenly kissed him.

both of the girls eyes went wide, elison was ready to rip the boy to shreds but kendall stopped her. she took a breath and they waited until elaine looked inside of the apartment, seeing the two cline sister.

they both simply waved and at the girl with an obviously fake smile as she tried to hide her face from the two of them. rudy looked into the apartment not seeing the girls at first, quickly doing a double take.

he quickly made his way into the apartment, leading elaine out. elison sharply inhaled before she walked the guest room she had claimed, looking over her shoulder. as soon as she walked into the room, she heard the sound of a slap.

"let me explain! please, she kissed me!" rudy explained while yelling,  she stayed silent and crossed her arms while standing in front of them, looking him dead in the eyes.

"i said, get out." she repeated while inches away from his lip, he mumbled a few words under his breath as he grabbed his keys and made his way out of the front door.

"oh, jesus christ..." she whispered to herself as she held her head, walking to her room and slamming the door shut behind her.

girls girls girls

ken ken🤠 added elison🤯 to the group

ken ken🤠
i got something to tell you all

is it what i think it is

is what what you think it is

kie kie do you love me
do i need to get lola

i have a feeling we should probably
come over

kens tell them

ken ken🤠
rudy cheated on me

kie kie do you love me
im on my way


im leaving now

𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐎 𝐀 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 - rudy pankowWhere stories live. Discover now