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real life!

"maddie!" kendall yelled out from her bedroom,

"what!" madelyn answered from the living room, kendall got up and headed to the door with her car keys in hand.

"i'm going to the studio, rudy and i have to try out a chemistry read really quick." kendall said as she opened the door.

"ou rudy." madelyn called out as kendall shut the door. kendall rolled her eyes at her cousin.

"fuck off!" kendall yelled as she locked the door for the outside. she headed to elevator and rode all the way down to the parking garage. she got into her car, she had a baby blue 1970 ford bronco with the roof off, just the way she liked it. she headed for the studio and when she walked in her eyes landed on rudy.

"kendall!" he said as he ran up to her and hugged her,

"hey blondie." she said while hugging him back, they embraced each other. jonas walked out and looked at the two.

"well hello pogue, and kook." he said while walking over to her, rudy and kendall let go of each other and she made her way over to jonas, he gave her a quick hug before turning his attention to rudy and shaking his hand.

"you two ready for the read?" he asked them, they looked at each other and nodded their heads.

"yep." they said in sync, they walked inside the studio and started the read.

"good morning to you to, prince charming." kendall said with a chuckle she added on

"don't good morning me." rudy muttered under his breath through a scoff.

"um i'm sorry, that's it, not even a snarky or inappropriate remark. nothing, just absolutely nothing." kendall called out to him, rudy pretended to ignore her has he took a few steps away from her, creating the illusion of the scene.

"you almost got shot, jennifer, okay. that's two times you almost died! two times i almost lost you!" rudy yelled as the directors watched very closely.

"what are you talking about! how could you lose me, you barely know me!" kendall shouted back while they stared into each others eyes.

"you know what, princess. forget i said anything."

"no! no, i will not just forget it, jj, please! why don't you elaborate!" kendall called out.

"okay fine, i will, jennifer! i may not know you but holy shit, if you could just see the look on my face when i think about you or- or if you could feel the way my heart pounds when i see you, or hear the way my thoughts races when i'm just around you. if you could see yourself through my eyes... you'd might finally get it. i don't deserve you, jennifer, i really don't. but when you pull shit like that, it just makes me realize something i've been shoving away because of what side of the island you live on, because i like you and i mean really, fucking like you! i have since the kegger and i always will!" he yelled, kendall and rudy gazed into each others eyes.

"yeah. that's all i wanted to say. i'm gonna go now." rudy said while turning away from kendall.

"i like you too." kendall said softly with a chuckle.

"what?" rudy asked with a smile on his face.

"i said i like you too dumbass." kendall repeated herself through a laugh as she met rudy's soft blue eyes.

"i don't think you realize how long i've wanted to do that." rudy said while looking at kendall with complete and utter awe.

"i think it's time we get out of the rain, maybe go inside and dry off" kendall said while they both laughed.

"i didn't even notice." rudy said while looking down at kendall, his eyes flickering between her eyes and lips.

"don't even think about it, maybank." kendall said, when they film the scene rudy's supposed to throw her over his shoulder. he wasn't supposed to do it during the read but he did it anyways.

"you got a nice ass." kendall said while still handing over his shoulder, resting her chin on her palm as her elbow sat on the small of his back.

"i know right." he said, he finally placed her back down and they looked at each other for a while without saying anything. they both had smiles across their faces.

"what's that face?" kendall asked him while narrowing her eyes with a smile on her face.

"what face?" rudy asked her back in defense while looking at her in a trance.

"that face." kendall said while tracing a circle on rudy's face.

"oh you're talking about this- this face?" he said while pointing at his own face, kendall bit down on her lip and nodded her head.

"i'm just happy." he said, gazing at each other, admiring the other's every feature. "what?" kendall asked with a chuckle, covering her face with her hands.

"nothing. just staring." rudy said while brushing a piece of kendall's hair out of her face, jonas and the assistant directors started clapping.

"that was perfection. kendall, as you know you're already set for jennifer... rudy, you're now officially playing jj. we start filming on friday. you guys are free to go." jonas said, rudy and kendall high fived each other and walked out of the room.

"we did it!" rudy said, he pulled kendall into a hug, picking her up from the ground and spinning her around while they both laughed.

"hey, you wanna come over? we could watch a movie, i have drinks." kendall said,

"you had me at wanna come over." rudy chuckled, kendall hit his arm jokingly as they headed to her car. they climbed in and headed for kendall's apartment.

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