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authors note

hey guys i know i don't usually write
these but this chapters going to be
a bit spicy and wanted to give you
a warning

for the girl's, gay's and they's

end of authors note

real life!

it was the next day and bails and kendall were at work, they had to film a few scenes at jennifer's house, mainly them getting ready for the autumn solstice masquerade. rudy and drew would show up later on but for now it was just the girls and their on screen families. the first scene was jennifer and anthony fighting in the house, kendall and bennett headed over to hair and makeup, than to wardrobe, and than hurried over to the house.

"good morning everyone." kendall said with a smile while she walked into the house, bennett following her into the house. everyone mumbled a good morning back and they made their way over to ian and jonas.

"morning kens." ian said while quickly hugging his on screen daughter.

"morning ian." she said back, they all turned their attention back to jonas as he told them exactly what was going to happen during the first scene. kendall was going to walk back inside the house after taking her boat out when she was really stocking up on gas for to fight, she would overhear and argument going on between ian and bennett in the house office. bennett would storm out and see kendall standing behind the door and he'd grab her by the arm, drag her upstairs, and they'd have an argument. he would insult her and tell her how she's ungrateful, and how she's not even a real ascaso. they got set up and they started shooting.

after they wrapped up that scene, kendall headed over to her trailer. but when she walked in, she saw rudy sitting on the couch. she sighed at the sight of him and he stood up making his way towards her.

"kens, listen. i'm sorry... when i stormed out i didnt know what to do or say. i just ended up at drews front door wasted and..." he started but kendall cut him off with a kiss, and he kissed her back. "its okay. i forgive you." she said softly when they broke the kiss, but it didnt stay broken for long. rudy kissed her again but this kiss wasn't like the first one. it was hungry and lustful, begging for more. kendall reached for the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off of him, rudy looking at her.

"hey kendall, wow, are you sure? cause we can stop." rudy said, kendall bit down on her bottom lip and nodded her head, rudy moved the hair out of her face and kissed her. he picked her up and kendall wrapped her legs around him, walking over to the couch and putting her down without breaking the kiss. he moved down to her neck and kissed it softly while kendall let out a breath she didnt release she'd been holding. he untied her bikini top and let it slip off, doing the same to her bottom. he locked eyes with her and moved back up, kissing her again while kendall unbuttoned his pants and slipping them off. rudy let out a chuckle and so did kendall as they continued.

his hand made its way up to kendall's neck and his tongue plunged into her mouth, both of them fighting for dominance. rudy groaned in frustration as as his hands tightened around kendall's neck, she let out a moan and he took it as an invitation to enter her. kendall shut her eyes and kendall tilted her head back and moaned in pleasure.

"slow down..." she said through a heavy breath, but rudy thrusted inside her, harder.

"wanna look me in the eyes and say it again." kendall tried but she ended up swinging her head back, trying to grab onto the couch. rudy takes her silence as a no so he continued, faster.

"st...stop. i'm about to..." kendall tries to say but rudy kisses her to keep her quiet.

"shhhh, i'm not finished yet." rudy keeps the speed he was at as kendall's legs start shaking. as she start to cum rudy grabs her legs and rests them on his shoulders. he works his tongue and massages her clit. he starts to eat her out, tasting what she has to offer. all kendall could do is held onto the couch cushions as she held back her moans.

"do you want me to stop, or do you wanna let it out?" he said as he broke away for the slightest second, he goes back to working his tongue while looking up to see what kendall would do. she starts to moan and scream his name in pleasure.

rudy goes back on top and thrusts in again. they flip over with kendall now ridding rudy. she kept a steady piace, rudy grabs her hips keeping her still as they both put into it. rudy closed his eyes and let out a moan.

"oh fuck... a little more." rudy sighed out under his breath. kendall kept on going and he started to cum in her, kendall legs start to shake again and she moans even louder as she climaxes with him. there's a knock on the door and the room falls silent.

"kens we have to film!" they both recognized the voice immediately... drew's at the door. their eyes go wide as they both run to the bathroom to clean up what they did. they run around and struggle to put their clothes on. kendall looks around to make sure everything looks as it was before. she unlocks the door and opens it, drew looks at rudy and back at kendall and he lets out a small chuckle.

"so what we're you guys up to?" drew asked, kendall moved out of the way so drew could come inside.

"oh we were just going over some lines" kendall spit out. rudy nodded his head in agreement but something else caught his attention, he looks down on the ground to see kendall's bikini bottoms on the floor. he walks over and covers it with his foot.

"kens we should get going..."'drew said after clearing his throat. kendall looks back at rudy,

"i'll call you later, okay?" she said with a smile while fixing her hair.

"yeah, yeah... sounds good" rudy said, kendall leaves the trailer and drew goes to follow her, but before walking out he turns and sends rudy a weak smile. rudy watches the door close, he bends down and shoves her underwear into his pocket and waits a minute before leaving the trailer.

"baileys already on set... we just gotta head over and film the dance." drew said while they awkwardly walked over to the set.

"okay... are we going to wardrobe or hair and makeup first?" kendall asked after clearing her throat.

"jonas said to head over to wardrobe first cause he thinks we'll mess up the outfits." drew chuckled out, kendall let one slip out too.

"so i heard about what happened last night, rudy was rambling yesterday night... you okay?" drew asked her.

"yeah, we talked about it and he apologized." kendall said with a smile, drew nodded his head and they arrived to the wardrobe. kendall had to put on this gorgeous black silk mermaid dress, drew had to put on this tan suit, and bails had to wear this teal dress that flowed out past her waist. they hurried over to the set where rudy was already waiting, he was wearing an all black suit with a black mask. she approached him and as soon as his eyes fell on her and his jaw dropped.

"why hello to you too." kendall said while walking up to him, rudy had kendall's mask in his hands so he turned her around and tied her mask on, it was black with gold embryos.

"you forgot this." rudy whispered in her ear while handing kendall her bikini bottoms. she shoved them in her pocket before anyone saw them. she turned around and smacked him jokingly in the arm before everyone was ready and they had to film. ian, bennett, and kendall hurried up the stairs where they would make their entrance. ian walked in first, then bennett, and last but not least kendall made her grand entrance. but it wasn't just rudy staring at her at the bottom of the stairs, drew was too.

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