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We were walking to meet up with the cadets at the festival. You were deep in thought about different events in the past.

( flashback 1 before you everyone got there Titans )
You and the other warriors cadets walking down the street talking about random stuff there was no one around because it was getting late. When there was a scream we went to going check it we found three guy surrounding a lorikeet girl.

Y/n: i deal with them if shit goes south you guys step In

Porco: why don't we all fight it will be quicker

Y/n: because we can get in trouble for this and i don't want anyone of you to get kicked out.

Porco: fine

Y/n: is everyone else ok with this

Everyone else nodded there heads. You walked into the narrow alley way to confront the guys

Y/n: oi what the hell is going on here

Random guy 1 : none of your damn business kid

Y/n: seems like your trying to hurt or rape that girl.

Random guy 2 : just leave before you get hurt

Y/n: I'm not going anywhere with out the girl safe

Random guy 3 : you sound like you want to fight

Y/n: if that what it take to keep that girl safe then yes

Random guy 1 : take that kid down

The third guy charged, you ducked under his arm throwing a punch into his ribs a sickening crack could be heard as his ribs broke he stumbled back you threw another punch to his face which knocked him out. The second guy attack you as he did you swept his feet out from under him as he hit the ground you kicked him in the head and knocked him out. The final guy charged you faster then you expected and he landed a hit on your chest you stumble back he goes for a another hit this time with his leg, you caught his leg and elbowed it at the knee, breaking it. As he fell to the ground in pain he said something

Random guy 1 : please no more stop we'll leave

Y/n: if the little girl asked you to stop would you

All that was heard from him was silence

Y/n: that's what I thought

You the. Grabbed his head and slammed it into the wall knocking him out you then approached the little girl

Y/n: hey there I'm not going to hurt you. You can come out.

She tucks herself farther into the corner

Y/n : pieck can you come here

Pieck: is it safe

Y/n: yes there all knocked out

Pieck comes around the corner with everyone else in tow

Pieck: what do you need

Y/n: can you try and get the girl to come out I tried but failed I figured you were the best choice because one your female and two because your kind of good at this stuff

Bertholdt: what does being female have to do with anything

Y/n: males almost just raped her so she probably has a fear we will do the same

Marcel: that makes sense

Pieck walks over to the girl

Pieck: you can come out now we aren't going to hurt you

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