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( y/n's POV)
Reiner transformed while that happened I took the chance to make a run for where pieck was I had to make sure she was safe. I was hoping from building to once I got to the building she was on I saw her titan skeleton. I heard noises inside the building I was on, I jumped to a near by building. I then ran and jumped through the window of the house as I entered I rolled and landed safely. When I looked up I saw gabi, falco, zofia and a Marley soldier with a really wounded pieck.

(Zofia's POV)

We heard a window break and y/n was now in the building.

Zofia: y/n your Alive

Y/n: yes I am. What happened to pieck.

Gabi: the devils attacked her and we dragged her in her for safety.

Y/n: thank you for that also zofia here

You tossed her your 1911

Zofia: why give me this

Y/n: safety reasons

Zofia: ok

Falco: can you explain why your hanging out with her more

Y/n: she's inheriting my titan

Everyone but zofia and pieck: what

Y/n walks over to pieck and pull out morphine and bandages

Y/n: I need you to stay awake I going to give you morphine

Pieck: ok

Y/n: as long as I'm here you won't die

Pieck: I can regenerate remember

Y/n: I didn't forget

He then leaned down and kissed her

Zofia: not the time or the place

Y/n: sorry

I look over and see gabi, falco and the Marley soldier looking out the window.

Marley soldier: they're retreating does this mean we're safe

Gabi: they're running

She then Takes off runs

Falco: gabi

He chased after her

Y/n: zofia go after them keep them safe with that pistol and remember your promise you made to me

Zofia: ok

I then take off running after them as I'm out side I here gabi yell

Gabi: eren Yeager

Falco: gabi

I continued to chase them

Gabi: you won't get away! I'm going to kill you

Zofia: are you an idiot

We continued to chase her after about 2 minutes of chasing her and falco calling her name he finally caught up and stoped her. She looks like she's about to cry.

Falco: there flying away, running after them is pointless. Even you know that

Gabi: udo died by getting trampled by the crowd, zofia almost got crushed by a bolder and the two gate guards they stopped me I was trying to run back to the plaza. I'm an eldIan, but hey told me to turn back because it's dangerous. Then They were shot by a girl on the roof and died. Being an eldian born in the zone, people spit at me when I go outside. I had a lot of miserable memories, but that's why I tried so hard. To show the world that eldians are good people. So someday we could be proud of our eldian armbands. I worked hard believing it could happen but they crushed everything! This internment zone is my home, it's where the people I care about live. Isn't trampling on it unforgivable. And yet you're telling me, not to run after them? When Zeke was killed before our eyes and we could do nothing? Not knowing why any of this happened.

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