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( so this new episode was basically just flashback and I didn't know what to do so enjoy this one shot)

(Y/n's POV)

We were on the boats getting ready to board the landing craft my captain approached.

Captain: corporal y/n is everyone ready

Y/n: everyone is as ready as their going to be sir

Captain: board the boats

Y/n: you heard the captain everyone on the landing craft

We climbed down the ropes into the craft. Once everyone was in the boats they set off towards the beaches. Everyone on the boat were scared. The sea was rough I felt bad for anyone that ate the food.

Private: the bomber were meant to flatten there defenses right

Y/n: that was the plan yes but prepare for the worst

Captain: when we get to the beach get the Bangalore's to the sea wall. That's your job bodt and Wagner

Bodt and Wagner: yes sir

Corporal: remember don't stay still and keep moving. Also don't bunch up.

The landing craft next to us exploded it started to sink.

Driver: 30 seconds

Y/n:  the second the ramp drops prepare for the worst

Driver: clear the ramp

The ramp dropped and the German machine guns opened fire and shredded the soldiers inside

The ramp dropped and the German machine guns opened fire and shredded the soldiers inside

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Y/n: over the side

Everyone that was alive hoped over the side of the boat into the water. People were struggling to get there gear off some were swimming to the surface. There was dead body's everywhere. I swam to the surface and got to the beach. I saw a small blond kid hiding behind a hedgehog. I ran up next to him and took cover

Y/n: what's your name private

Private: armin arlert

Y/n: well private arlert I'm going to get you to that sea wall ok

Armin: ok

Y/n: when the machine guns reload we run for that crater ok

Armin: ok

The machine guns stopped firing

Y/n: move it stay right behind me ok

We made a Run for the crater I was the first one to make it I grabbed him and pulled him down right as the machine guns started to fire again.

Y/n: keep your head down

Armin: ok

Y/n: and go go

I pulled him up and pushed him towards the sea wall. We arrived at the sea wall I pushed him down in cover

Y/n: keep your head down I'm going to find the captain

He nodded I left to find the captain I found him

Y/n: captain Levi why haven't we breached the wire yet

Levi: because the brats we put in charge of the Bangalore's didn't make it

Y/n: where are they

Levi: their over there( he points to a dead body) put your not going to get it

Y/n: I have to

I ran out onto the beach towards the body. I found Wagner's body. I picked up the Bangalore and head back to the wire. I pass some medics trying to keep a guy alive

Medic: come on stop the bleeding

Medic 2: it's almost stoped

Medic: we got it

The soldier then got hit in the head

Medic 2: fuck give us a chance

Y/n; quickly get to the wire it's not safe out here

I grab then and push them towards the wire. We arrived at it they went to help others while I went to the captain

Y/n: captain i got it

Levi: good private Yeager take it

Yeager: yes sir

He grabbed it and readied it

Yeager: fire in the hole

Levi: fire in the hole

Y/n: fire in the hole

We all got down as Yeager tossed the Bangalore  into the wire. It blew a hole in the wire

Y/n: everyone over the wire and to the bunkers

We were out of the line of sight of the guns we ran to the bottom of it. We climbed up the hill and got to there trench's  there was a few Germans their. I quickly shot them. We made it to the bunker door.

Y/n: private kirstein you do it

Jean: yes sir

He kicked down the door and activated his flamethrower burning them all. They screamed in pain. We moved on to the next bunker and repeated the process. On the way to the final bunker. The captain was ambushed. He quickly defeated the attacker and we moved to the final bunker.

Levi: that's the final bunker time to move on to the artillery

We moved towards the artillery

Y/n: clear out the area then blow up the cannons

We quickly dispatched the soldiers guarding it. We put the thermite on it

Springer: captain we got Germans incoming

Levi: shit. Get In defensive positions

We got In defensive position and got ready for a fight. The Germans start to charge our position

Levi: open fire

We all opened fire at them mowing them down. We were low on ammo.

Y/n: captain we don't have much ammunition left

Levi: I know that. We hold tell we're out is that clear

Y/n: yes sir

We held them off for a few minutes. We almost ran out of ammunition when our reinforcements arrived with tanks.

( thank you for reading this I'm sorry it wasn't a normal chapter but the newest episode didn't have much to add my character into so I hope you understand. Anyways hope your day or night is going well and goodbye)

Song: primo Victoria

Artist: sabaton

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