Big brother and little brother

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Eren's titan took off running towards zeke's, while this was happening I decided to regroup with pieck. Porco bit into eren's leg making him stop, eren raised his fist and slammed it into Porco's titan. As he got back up he was shot in the head by pieck who's titan was back. As this happened a squad of soldiers attacked pieck from behind, stopping in my tracks I took aim and killed one of the soldiers, pieck turned around and hit one of the soldiers with the barrel of the gun. Looking back at the battle field Reiner had tackled Eren. Zeke's titan started to stand up. A soldier with a kid approached him, looking through my scope I see that it's colt and falco. I was too far away to here what they were saying, after a little bit gabi and zofia both showed up on horses. Zeke's titan started to stand more, he let out a roar, there was hundreds of titan transformations.

Y/n: holy shit he actually did it that maniac.

Falco's titan ran towards Reiner, he had to pin both of them down in the process Eren got free and tried to run but Reiner grabbed his foot. Falco got free and tried to bite Reiner's nape. Another shot hit Zeke, with the help of the soldiers we cleared out the soldiers around pieck. She took aim at Eren but an explosion hit the gun. More Enemy's showed up the soldiers took aim at him but other soldier killed them. Falco Broke the armor around Reiners nape. I took aim and shot him in the eye making him let go of Reiner

Y/n: I'm sorry falco .

Falco turned towards Porco titan, as he had exited his titan form with major wounds. Reiner reached out but failed as to grab him as falco ate Porco.

Y/n: damn it that idiot.

Reiner punched Eren in the head but he hardened his head trapping his fist he broke out and ran towards zeke. Reiner broke out and ran to grab Eren, right before his hand was about to get him it exploded. I took aim at Eren right before I pulled the trigger his head came off as other shot hit him. Looking for the shooter, i found Zofia with a rifle aimed at him. Taking a new target of a mindless titan I fired saving some Marley soldiers. Making a run for pieck as the wall started to crack I made it to her just as the wall started to fall apart.we were brought to an area full of sand

Eren: to all subjects of ymir my name is eren Yeager, I'm using the power of the founding titan to address all of Ymir's subjects. The Harding of all the walls present on paradise island has come undone and all titans entrapped within them have started marching. My objective is to protect the people of paradise the place where I was born and raised. However the world wish's for the annihilation of the people Of paradise. The hatred that has been swelling up for so long will certainly not end.until not just the paradisians but all of Ymir's subjects have been eliminated. I reject this wish. The wall titans shall trample all earth outside of this island underfoot. Until all life existing there has been exterminated from this world

(This chapter was on the shorter side sorry but I was at a dentist appointment and had time to kill so yay. Anyways hope your day or night is going well)

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