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(Little heads up from now on it's only going to be from y/n's POV)

A bunch of Marley soldiers were para dropping into city. Porco was looking at Eren

Y/n: get these goddanm chains off us Porco

Porco used his hand to cut our chains cutting off mine and pieck's hand, pieck jumped off the building

Pieck: damn that hurt.

Porco was dodgeing eren's attacks pieck's titan head was now back where we were, Porco hopped away, we climbed into pieck's mouth and she ran away.

Gabi: Reiner!!!

Marley soldier: over here

Gabi: he came for us.

We climbed out of pieck's mouth, general margath grabbed both gabi and zofia. He hugged then

Margath: gabi, zofia

Gabi: general margath

Margath: you imbeciles, who ordered you to run into enemy territory?!

Gabi: we're sorry

Margath: just acting as you please

Colt came running up

Colt: gabi, zofia

Zofia: colt

Colt: what about falco, where is he

Zofia pointed at the castle like building

Zofia: he's is still in that building

Gabi: he ingested zeke's spinal fluid and is imprisoned there

Both colt and margath eyes widen

Colt: what!?

Pieck's titan was getting the it's equipment on.

Y/n: falco is being imprisoned with 300 enemy soldiers who also drank the spinal fluid, aside from them there are currently 500 soldiers here, Zeke is also not here yet

Margath: we came according to Reiner's worries but, what about the possibility of the enemy exercising the power of the founding titan?

Pieck: I don't know but it seems certain the founding titan is their hidden card, my guess is since they haven't used it, seems to show Eren is still not In a state to trigger it.

Margath: is there a necessary condition to trigger it?

Gabi: but now we have both the founding titan and a titan of Royal blood, we heard Zeke say those exact words inside the airship that was withdrawing from Marley.

Colt: what does that mean? That Zeke is a titan that has royal blood?

Margath: it would be possible if his parents were leaders of the restorationists.

Pieck: if theres a basis for his abilities then wouldn't it be true? If the reason they can't use the power of the founding titan is related to zeke's absence

Y/n: then Eren and Zeke most never touch.

There was a loud noise

Gabi: general margath, Reiner is

Margath: Marleys shield isn't that soft. No he is not the shield protecting Marley, right now the whole fate of the world is in our shoulders

Margath did a hand motion for me to get on pieck, i started to climb the ladder

Margath: we're not going to kill the founding titan and postpone solving the problem, today we're going to eat the founding titan here and put a stop to the 100 years of hatred!

Pieck titan started to climb the wall when we got to the top we saw Reiner and porco impales of the war hammer spikes, pieck's cannon took a shot and hit Eren in the head.

Margath: load the next round quickly!!

Marley soldier: yes sir!!

Pieck: general margath

Margath: I'm the commander in chief, to think the best hunter here is the supreme commander, the Marley army has also fallen to quite a low point

I was sniping the soldiers moving towards Reiner and Porco, theyran into a Marley ambush where a decent amount were mowed down. Pieck fired off another shot into eren's head. The airships were firing there cannon's down at the soldiers

Margath: I'll make that son of a bitch use his strength, the power of the war hammer titan is strong it his energy will be spent quickly. Don't forget this ambush is only possible thanks to Willy Tybur's sacrifice. Just as he risked his life to tell us, we need a true hero like helos. A hero who will save the world...

Porco went to bite his nape but Eren grabbed him and through him away

Y/n: whoa

Reiner went to bite his nape but Eren grabbed the top of his jaw keeping him from biting him all of a sudden something hit Reiner.

Margath: he's here the boy wonder.

Zeke throw a bunch of rocks at the airships destroying them.

Y/n: whoa

Margath: shit Zeke, adjust the aim to blow off his nape

Pieck: understood

Margath: hurry up pieck

I took a shot at Zeke hitting his eye

Y/n: hopefully that fucks up his aim.

Zeke threw the rocks pieck dodged I just stood there while the rocks went around me.

Pieck: I cannot say it is wise to face the beast in a firefight .

Margath: no I will pass judgment on the traitor.

Pieck: but

Floch(I think that's who that is): it's the cart let's attack it on both flanks

Pieck took off running on the wall

Floch: split into two groups

I sat back down to continue sniping, a few soldiers came to attack me but I shot them with my pistol while I was still looking through my scope. Eren was making his way towards Zeke, Reiner came from behind trying to attack him but Zeke, pelted him with rocks. Marley soldiers were pinning down the enemy soldiers keeping them from reaching Eren. Porco went to attack Eren but got pelleted by Zeke. I saw that pieck was defeated, the soldiers celebrating the victory were cut short be gun fire from under the cart, I killed a few to help out, the turret on the cart turned towards Zeke and fired hitting his nape, making him fall off the wall.

Y/n: shit did we just win

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it was short but I got school work to do).

Song: fist by fist

Artist powerwolf

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