Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5| Memory Lane

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S1 x Ep5

August 11, 2016
1:00 pm

Maverick POV

Groaning as the light shining into my room cause my eyes to burn slightly. Ugh! It's so bright. I turn over in my side and I'm greeted with a sleeping Alec. He looks so calm. I lean over him and gently peck his lips. He groans and shifted lightly. Then his eyes shoots open.

"Oh, Thank God! You are okay!"
He praises.

"You had me worried, Angel."
He breaths placing his forehead again mines.

"How does it feel to have your memories back?"
Alec asks.

"Great and miserable. I remember every little thing even memories of my childhood. I remember my siblings, my parents. A couple particular memories really stuck out to me."
I state. Me and Akiko need to have a talk.

"What were they of?"
Alec asks.

I question. He looks at me in shock.

"What? How?"
He asks.

"We were best friends as children. I remember that one time my mother, my biological one, first brought me to meet your mother, our connection started to form. After that our parents would make us have play dates together because I was restless without you. That is hilarious seeing me as a baby so connected to you. I also have a memory of my mother erasing everyone's memory of our family and any affiliation anyone had with us. Magnus was forced to take all of my memories of them, and you. That's why our runes burned into us like that, we were forced apart, so us being together again triggered our long awaiting bond and it bonded us permanently to each other."
I explain to him as I play with his fingers.

"I wish I knew that, I would have tried to get my memories back when we were at Magnus's."
Alec says.

"That wouldn't have worked. My mother hid your memories in my memories. When mines were taken from me so were yours. Maybe I can share your memories with you so you can have them again."
I tell him as I kiss each of his fingers.

He nods his head and I place my hand on his head. Closing my eyes I think of his memories going back where they belong. I open my eyes and see a warm white glow coming from my hands. I hear him gasp and I look at him as my hand stop glowing.

"I knew you since you were a newborn, up until you turned 10 but Valentine happened and you were taken from me. I'm so happy that I'm able to be with you now, Angel. We have eleven years to catch up on. How was living with mundanes?"
As I was about to respond there was a knock on my door.

"Alec, Mom is here."
I hear Izzy voice yell through the door.

Alec groans.

"Haha. You go deal with that and I'm gonna getting in the shower."
I laugh at him pecking his lip and he groans.

I watch him open the door and leave out shutting the door behind him. I chuckle to myself and I go into my bathroom. I shower and wash my hair. Stepping out the shower and dry myself off. I hang my dry towel behind the door and I begin to moisturize my skin. I thought that once I got my memories back that would all come back at once but no, they've been coming back slowly.

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