CHAPTER 5 TIFFANY 8am (nextday)

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I flat iron my think curly hair neatly, trying to imagine what the other kids would think of me.

I go to the mirror and twirl around.

I'd gone to the mall late last night and got me a whole outfit: A black crop top with the pink bubble letters 'Love' on the front. Matching pink skinny jeans, pink nails and black flats.

I gave the mirror a half smile. I knew I'd hated this outfit. But I wanted so badly to come home without new bruises for once. I wanted so badly to fit in. I wanted so badly to be accepted.


"Daddy im leaving." I say as I close the door behind me.

I had black eyeliner on, and concealer to cover undereye circles.

The second I walked out the door, for once I actually felt attractive. Or Atleast i hoped..

I walked to the bus stop, scared. I wasn't sure how anyone would react or If they'd finally accept me or not.


A yellow bus bounced down the street towards me minutes later.

"Ew." Popular girl, Dawn, yelled through the window as the bus came to a stop.

Confused, i got on the bus and slowly walked down the aisle.

"Hunny, don't punish your makeup, putting it on that horrible face!" She said loudly.

Everyone laughed.

I look away from her, completely humiliated. I drop my things into the only empty seat and slide all the way against the wall.

"Not only her makeup..." Her bestie Jenna chimed in. "But she's punnishing my eyes!"

I bite my lip and began to blink hard while staring out the window.

"Why are people so worthless!?" Dawn says sarcastically towards me. She leans across the isle and spits on my feet.

Her friends join in, spitting on and pushing me.

I cover my face with my hands so they won't see me crying. I don't know what I did to deserve this. Even when I try to belong I fail. Am I just a failure in life?

The bus pulls up to the school eventually. It feels like years.

I hurry off the bus and run inside the school, I go straight to the bathroom and lock myself in the farthest stall.

I put down the toilet lid to sit on, and I sob heavily into the palms of my hands.

"I'm going to stay in here forever." I think. "Im not skipping school... im just seeking happiness."


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