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I lay on my bed sideways, a bag of potato chips and a bag of gummy worms on one side, a bottle of alcohol on the other, a slice of pizza in my mouth, and an Xbox controller in my hands.

I stare at the screen without blinking. Jamming my thumbs into buttons to shoot everybody near me and run from the cops.

'Die.' I say in my head. 'Die.'

There's a knock on my door, and simontanuosly, I loose my last life. The words GAME OVER flash on the screen. I groan and get up to open the door.

"Wes is here." My Grandmother says.

"Tell him to get lost!" I yell.

She frowns. "He's already on his way up." She leaves to go into the kitchen to make herself some tea.

I hear footsteps up the stairs and suddenly I see Wes's face  in front of mine.

" Somebody sounds a little salty."

He says laughing. "I herd you say get lost."

I keep a straight face. "I hate you."I snap.

"Harsh. What did I do?"

I shove at his shoulders. "Where were you the last few days when I been working my ass off cleaning that damn wall!?"

He steps back, pretending to be offeneded.

"And where was I when you ain't have no friends!?" He says retorically. "And when you was living behind dumpsters and eating garbage everyday huh!? Where was I then?! Oh yeah.. I was right there! I was always right there! So don't play that 'where were you' game, Because you and I both know, I was the best damn thing that ever happened to your sorry ass!"

I clench my fists as he talks and suddenly I lash out and aggressively push him down the stairs. I fall on top of him and punch him hard the face. "You're the reason Im stuck doing this! This is your fault!" I yell.

He trys to block his face with his arms and manages to scratch me along the cheek. Blood runs from his nose and mouth but I continue to attack him.

My grandmother hurries into the room, spilling tea on the floor, she trys to pull me off of him. She scolds me and asks him if he's okay. It pains me to see her treating him like HE'S the innocent one.

He glares at me angrilily and

I sort of just bounce in place, breathing hard, unable to control my rage.


Once the adrenaline dies down and I can move again, I rush up to my room and slam the door.

I begin trashing up my room, ripping, throwing and smashing things violently.

Soon after, I collapse onto my bed, panting, and out of breath.

My left side starts to feel wet, I flip over and notice the bottle that was there was open, and spilled all over the place.

I hurl the bottle at the window and it shatters, leaving the window with a giant crack in it.

Annoyed, I push my blankets and pillows of the bed and just rest on my bare mattress.

I put my headphones on and crank up the music volume. I blast the music and eventually I calm down.

Randomly, I think of Tiffany, and I remember I'm supposed to meet her at 7.

I stare at the ceiling for awhile, just laying in silence, before long, I was knocked out, I had no energy and I fell into a deep sleep.


When I woke up it was around 6:00

'I'd better start getting ready I guess..' I tell myself. 'Don't wanna be late.'


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