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The room starts to get brighter now that its noon, and a single ray of sunlight shone through the separation of the two curtains by the window.

I limp to the window and open the curtains to lighten the room fully.

I look outside and I see Antonio.

My brain barely has enough time to process what i was seeing before my heart drops and I go light headed.

'No.' I whisper. "No!"


I search the room for my crutches. I grab them and rush down the stairs as fast as I can.

I open the front doors of the hospital and stand there, terrified. Antonio was on the ground, his lip was bleeding and he looked at me weakly.

'No,' he mouths to me and he tries to shake his head. 'Go away'

I don't move, I only stand there in horror.

The guy with the gun notices me then. I feel like I'm going to die.

"What?!" He yells at me. "What are you looking at!?"

Antonio cringes. "Don't fucking talk to her like that." He says, his voice breaking.

The guy puts the gun closer to Antonio's head. "You shut up."

"Tiffany." Antonio yells. "Just go!"

"I'm not leaving you!" I shout back, shaking.

"No, let her stay." The guy interupts. "That way she can watch me kill you.. And then I get to kill her after."

Antonio makes a pained face.

"Tiffany," he says to me. "Your the only person I love, and you have to leave me because If he hurts you, I couldn't forgive myself."

I shake my head, tears flowing down my face, but still, I don't move.

The guy wraps his fingers around Antonio's neck, and presses his cheek against the curb. It hurts me to watch.


'I need to call someone' it tell myself.

I slide my phone out of my pocket, and secretively I text: 'has a gun help' to 911.

I type the name of the street we were on, praying that someone at the police station will understand that im trying to tell them to come here as quickly as possible.

'On our way.' I get a message 15 seconds later. I swallow hard, trying not to make it obvious what I just did.

'Hold on baby' I mouth to Antonio, though he was barely conscious, he slowly nods.


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