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"Enjoy your night." My bus driver says as I hop off the bus. "Thanks." I fake a smile.

Its drizzling alittle outside. I put my hood on over my head and quickly start walking home.


Unfortunately for me, it begins fully raining.

I speed walk down the sidewalk. The rain stinging my face like little needles.


On the horizon I see a figure of a guy walking towards my direction. It begins to rain harder so I speed up. I can see him more closely now.

He's a tall white boy. He's awkwardly holding his shirt above his head as an umbrella. I laugh in my head alittle, but stop once I see him even closer.

His 6 pack. His jawline. His intense eyes.

His tattoos. His lips. His skin.

Shyly, I look away. But just as we walk past each other I can feel every bass and every cord of the music he's listening to and suddenly I get the courage to look back up. "Hi." I wave. He glances at me briefly, and keeps walking.

We continue our own ways. Not saying another word. I get father down the road and I peek over my shoulder. He was still walking away, and I could still feintly hear his music.

I'd say he was amazing... I mean, he looked amazing.. But the average person around here would have at least said 'hello.'


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